
18 lines
775 B
Executable file

# Get the JSON file, pull out just the URLs and put them in an array
images=$(wget -qO-
# Get URL for download
latest_image_url=$(echo $images | jq '.[0].imageUrl' | tr -d '"')
# Get metadata for the watermark
latest_image_title=$(echo $images | jq '.[0].title' | tr -d '"')
latest_image_copyright=$(echo $images | jq '.[0].copyright' | tr -d '"')
# Get the image and write it to the defined folder
wget $latest_image_url -O $1/defaultWithoutText.jpg
# Add watermark to the image and save as new image in the defined folder
convert -pointsize 40 -stroke black -strokewidth 1 -fill white -gravity center -draw "text 0,1000 '$latest_image_title ($latest_image_copyright)'" "$1/defaultWithoutText.jpg" "$1/default.jpg";