
61 lines
2.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-03-17 02:03:48 +01:00
-- vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("v", "<leader>/", "<Plug>kommentary_visual_default", {})
2021-03-16 14:10:38 +01:00
2021-03-17 02:03:48 +01:00
-- require('kommentary.config').configure_language("default", {
-- prefer_single_line_comments = true,
-- })
2021-03-16 14:10:38 +01:00
-- require('kommentary.config').configure_language("python", {
-- prefer_single_line_comments = true,
-- })
2021-03-17 02:03:48 +01:00
-- require('kommentary.config').configure_language("javascriptreact", {
-- prefer_multi_line_comments = true,
-- -- single_line_comment_string = "{/*\\ %s\\ */}",
-- multi_line_comment_strings = {"{/*", "*/}"},
-- })
--[[ This is our custom function for toggling comments with a custom commentstring,
it's based on the default toggle_comment, but before calling the function for
toggling ranges, it sets the commenstring to something else. After it is done,
it sets it back to what it was before. ]]
-- function toggle_comment_custom_commentstring(...)
-- local args = {...}
-- -- Save the current value of commentstring so we can restore it later
-- local commentstring =
-- -- Set the commentstring for the current buffer to something new
-- = "{/*%s*/}"
-- -- print(args[1])
-- -- print(args[2])
-- -- print(vim.inspect(args[1]))
-- print(vim.inspect(args))
-- --[[ Call the function for toggling comments, which will resolve the config
-- to the new commentstring and proceed with that. ]]
-- require('kommentary.kommentary').toggle_comment_range(args[1], args[2],
-- require('kommentary.config').get_modes().normal)
-- -- Restore the original value of commentstring
-- vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(0, "commentstring", commentstring)
-- end
-- -- = "{/*%s*/}"
-- -- Set the extra mapping for toggling a single line in normal mode
-- vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<leader>/',
-- '<cmd>lua require("kommentary");kommentary.go(' .. require('kommentary.config').context.line .. ', '
-- .. "'toggle_comment_custom_commentstring'" .. ')<cr>',
-- { noremap = true, silent = true })
-- -- -- Set the extra mapping for toggling a range with a motion
-- -- vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<leader>/',
-- -- 'v:lua.kommentary.go(' .. require('kommentary.config').context.init .. ', ' ..
-- -- "'toggle_comment_custom_commentstring'" .. ')',
-- -- { noremap = true, expr = true })
-- -- -- Set the extra mapping for toggling a range with a visual selection
-- -- vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('v', 'gC',
-- -- '<cmd>lua require("kommentary");kommentary.go(' .. require('kommentary.config').context.visual .. ', '
-- -- .. "'toggle_comment_custom_commentstring'" .. ')<cr>',
-- -- { noremap = true, silent = true })
2021-03-16 14:10:38 +01:00
2021-03-17 02:03:48 +01:00
--vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(0, "commentstring", "{/*%s*/}")