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#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eo pipefail
2021-03-15 03:25:28 +01:00
OS="$(uname -s)"
#Set branch to master unless specified by the user
declare -x LV_BRANCH="${LV_BRANCH:-"master"}"
declare -xr LV_REMOTE="${LV_REMOTE:-lunarvim/lunarvim.git}"
declare -xr INSTALL_PREFIX="${INSTALL_PREFIX:-"$HOME/.local"}"
2021-03-15 03:25:28 +01:00
declare -xr XDG_DATA_HOME="${XDG_DATA_HOME:-"$HOME/.local/share"}"
declare -xr XDG_CACHE_HOME="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-"$HOME/.cache"}"
declare -xr XDG_CONFIG_HOME="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-"$HOME/.config"}"
2021-08-02 18:04:26 +02:00
declare BASEDIR
BASEDIR="$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &>/dev/null && pwd)"
BASEDIR="$(dirname -- "$(dirname -- "$BASEDIR")")"
readonly BASEDIR
declare ARGS_LOCAL=0
declare -a __lvim_dirs=(
declare -a __npm_deps=(
# treesitter installed with brew causes conflicts #3738
if ! command -v tree-sitter &>/dev/null; then
declare -a __pip_deps=(
2021-03-15 03:25:28 +01:00
declare -a __rust_deps=(
function usage() {
echo "Usage: [<options>]"
echo ""
echo "Options:"
echo " -h, --help Print this help message"
echo " -l, --local Install local copy of LunarVim"
echo " -y, --yes Disable confirmation prompts (answer yes to all questions)"
echo " --overwrite Overwrite previous LunarVim configuration (a backup is always performed first)"
echo " --[no-]install-dependencies Whether to automatically install external dependencies (will prompt by default)"
function parse_arguments() {
while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do
case "$1" in
-l | --local)
-y | --yes)
-h | --help)
exit 0
function msg() {
local text="$1"
local div_width="80"
printf "%${div_width}s\n" ' ' | tr ' ' -
printf "%s\n" "$text"
function confirm() {
local question="$1"
while true; do
msg "$question"
read -p "[y]es or [n]o (default: no) : " -r answer
case "$answer" in
y | Y | yes | YES | Yes)
return 0
n | N | no | NO | No | *[[:blank:]]* | "")
return 1
msg "Please answer [y]es or [n]o."
function stringify_array() {
echo -n "${@}" | sed 's/ /, /'
function main() {
parse_arguments "$@"
2021-03-15 03:25:28 +01:00
msg "Detecting platform for managing any additional neovim dependencies"
if [ "$ARGS_INSTALL_DEPENDENCIES" -eq 1 ]; then
if [ "$INTERACTIVE_MODE" -eq 1 ]; then
if confirm "Would you like to install LunarVim's NodeJS dependencies: $(stringify_array ${__npm_deps[@]})?"; then
if confirm "Would you like to install LunarVim's Python dependencies: $(stringify_array ${__pip_deps[@]})?"; then
if confirm "Would you like to install LunarVim's Rust dependencies: $(stringify_array ${__rust_deps[@]})?"; then
if [ "$ARGS_LOCAL" -eq 1 ]; then
msg "Thank you for installing LunarVim!!"
echo "You can start it by running: $INSTALL_PREFIX/bin/lvim"
echo "Do not forget to use a font with glyphs (icons) support []"
function detect_platform() {
case "$OS" in
if [ -f "/etc/arch-release" ] || [ -f "/etc/artix-release" ]; then
RECOMMEND_INSTALL="sudo pacman -S"
elif [ -f "/etc/fedora-release" ] || [ -f "/etc/redhat-release" ]; then
RECOMMEND_INSTALL="sudo dnf install -y"
elif [ -f "/etc/gentoo-release" ]; then
else # assume debian based
RECOMMEND_INSTALL="sudo apt install -y"
2021-10-20 17:44:37 +02:00
RECOMMEND_INSTALL="sudo pkg install -y"
RECOMMEND_INSTALL="sudo pkgin install"
RECOMMEND_INSTALL="doas pkg_add"
RECOMMEND_INSTALL="brew install"
echo "OS $OS is not currently supported."
exit 1
function print_missing_dep_msg() {
if [ "$#" -eq 1 ]; then
echo "[ERROR]: Unable to find dependency [$1]"
echo "Please install it first and re-run the installer. Try: $RECOMMEND_INSTALL $1"
local cmds
cmds=$(for i in "$@"; do echo "$RECOMMEND_INSTALL $i"; done)
printf "[ERROR]: Unable to find dependencies [%s]" "$@"
printf "Please install any one of the dependencies and re-run the installer. Try: \n%s\n" "$cmds"
2021-03-15 03:25:28 +01:00
function check_neovim_min_version() {
local verify_version_cmd='if !has("nvim-0.8") | cquit | else | quit | endif'
# exit with an error if min_version not found
if ! nvim --headless -u NONE -c "$verify_version_cmd"; then
echo "[ERROR]: LunarVim requires at least Neovim v0.8 or higher"
exit 1
function verify_core_plugins() {
msg "Verifying core plugins"
if ! bash "$LUNARVIM_BASE_DIR/utils/ci/"; then
refactor: migrate to lazy.nvim (#3647) * refactor: convert plugins spec to lazy * refactor(lazy): remove impatient * fix(telescope): no more errors if theme is nil * refactor(lazy): use lazy in plugin_loader * refactor(lazy): pin plugins with packer's snapshot * fix: add plugins to rtp before config:init * fix: fs_stat nil check * feat: lazy cache * feat(lazy): reloading * refactor(lazy): plugin-loader functions * feat(lazy): cache reset * refactor: set runtimepath manually * fix: runtimepath * refactor(rtp) * refactor(lazy): packer -> lazy in various places * fix(lazy): disable tree-sitter ensure installed * refactor(lazy): restore order to bootstrap * refactor(lazy): remove unused impatient profiler * small fixes * `lvim.plugins` deprecation handling * fix: deprecation of `requires` in plugin specs * feat: core plugins pinning * refactor(lazy): plugin loader tests * refactor(lazy): use lazy in scripts * refactor(lazy): which-key keybinds * chore: format * fix: installer * fix: first time setup * feat: changes required for packaging commit 951ac2b7c01b5200b973660c967852d1706cce28 Author: LostNeophyte <> Date: Wed Dec 28 13:49:44 2022 +0100 fix: clean folder before copying plugins commit 64e9afa44b8e528ba527e0510d0d8c2d2237a095 Author: LostNeophyte <> Date: Wed Dec 28 13:35:41 2022 +0100 feat: copy core plugins on first run commit 2d8e72090c7624f68c09a9aa6582223373a810c1 Author: LostNeophyte <> Date: Wed Dec 28 13:11:22 2022 +0100 feat(utils): fs_copy commit 85c1f025a6ba13183e85141f75f60e2eefc77bb5 Author: LostNeophyte <> Date: Wed Dec 28 13:04:38 2022 +0100 fix: copy correct example config * fix: packer specs deprecation handling * fix: plugin specs deprecation * feat: pin lazy's version * fix: remove plugins form rtp before loading lazy * fix: plugin-loader test * feat(lazy): add keymappings for profile, log, and debug (#3665) * feat(lazy): Add keymappings for profile, log, and debug * feat(lazy): Add keymap for cleaning * chore: format * pref: lazy load many plugins Co-authored-by: Uzair Aftab <> * fix: bootstrap correct version of lazy * fix: also use CmdLineEnter event for cmp * fix: don't use lazy's modules before it's set up * perf: (hack) enable lazy's cache before loading lazy * fix: plugins.lua * fix: plugins bump script * chore: remove debug print * feat: add rounded border for `:Lazy` * fix: bufferline flashing * fix: don't close lazy on startup * fix: load breadcrumbs on startup * fix: don't lazy load bufferline * chore: bump lazy's version * fix: remove site from rtp (fixes treesitter issues) * revert default config copying changes * fix(bootstrap): actually remove plugins dir on windows * chore: bump lazy's version * chore: bump lazy's version Co-authored-by: kylo252 <> Co-authored-by: Uzair Aftab <> Co-authored-by: Uzair Aftab <> Co-authored-by: opalmay <>
2023-01-10 21:18:17 +01:00
echo "[ERROR]: Unable to verify plugins, make sure to manually run ':Lazy sync' when starting lvim for the first time."
exit 1
echo "Verification complete!"
function validate_install_prefix() {
local prefix="$1"
case $PATH in
local profile="$HOME/.profile"
test -z "$ZSH_VERSION" && profile="$HOME/.zshenv"
ADDITIONAL_WARNINGS="[WARN] the folder $prefix/bin is not on PATH, consider adding 'export PATH=$prefix/bin:\$PATH' to your $profile"
# avoid problems when calling any verify_* function
export PATH="$prefix/bin:$PATH"
function check_system_deps() {
validate_install_prefix "$INSTALL_PREFIX"
if ! command -v git &>/dev/null; then
print_missing_dep_msg "git"
exit 1
if ! command -v nvim &>/dev/null; then
print_missing_dep_msg "neovim"
exit 1
2021-03-15 03:25:28 +01:00
function __install_nodejs_deps_pnpm() {
echo "Installing node modules with pnpm.."
pnpm install -g "${__npm_deps[@]}"
echo "All NodeJS dependencies are successfully installed"
function __install_nodejs_deps_npm() {
echo "Installing node modules with npm.."
for dep in "${__npm_deps[@]}"; do
if ! npm ls -g "$dep" &>/dev/null; then
printf "installing %s .." "$dep"
npm install -g "$dep"
echo "All NodeJS dependencies are successfully installed"
2021-08-04 05:12:05 +02:00
function __install_nodejs_deps_yarn() {
echo "Installing node modules with yarn.."
yarn global add "${__npm_deps[@]}"
echo "All NodeJS dependencies are successfully installed"
function __validate_node_installation() {
local pkg_manager="$1"
local manager_home
if ! command -v "$pkg_manager" &>/dev/null; then
return 1
if [ "$pkg_manager" == "npm" ]; then
manager_home="$(npm config get prefix 2>/dev/null)"
elif [ "$pkg_manager" == "pnpm" ]; then
manager_home="$(pnpm config get prefix 2>/dev/null)"
manager_home="$(yarn global bin 2>/dev/null)"
if [ ! -d "$manager_home" ] || [ ! -w "$manager_home" ]; then
return 1
return 0
function install_nodejs_deps() {
local -a pkg_managers=("pnpm" "yarn" "npm")
for pkg_manager in "${pkg_managers[@]}"; do
if __validate_node_installation "$pkg_manager"; then
eval "__install_nodejs_deps_$pkg_manager"
echo "[WARN]: skipping installing optional nodejs dependencies due to insufficient permissions."
echo "check how to solve it:"
function install_python_deps() {
echo "Verifying that pip is available.."
if ! python3 -m ensurepip >/dev/null; then
if ! python3 -m pip --version &>/dev/null; then
echo "[WARN]: skipping installing optional python dependencies"
return 1
echo "Installing with pip.."
for dep in "${__pip_deps[@]}"; do
python3 -m pip install --user "$dep" || return 1
echo "All Python dependencies are successfully installed"
2021-03-15 03:25:28 +01:00
function __attempt_to_install_with_cargo() {
if command -v cargo &>/dev/null; then
echo "Installing missing Rust dependency with cargo"
cargo install "$1"
echo "[WARN]: Unable to find cargo. Make sure to install it to avoid any problems"
exit 1
2021-03-15 03:25:28 +01:00
# we try to install the missing one with cargo even though it's unlikely to be found
function install_rust_deps() {
for dep in "${__rust_deps[@]}"; do
if ! command -v "${dep%%::*}" &>/dev/null; then
__attempt_to_install_with_cargo "${dep##*::}"
echo "All Rust dependencies are successfully installed"
2021-03-15 03:25:28 +01:00
function __backup_dir() {
local src="$1"
if [ ! -d "$src" ]; then
mkdir -p "$src.old"
msg "Backing up old $src to $src.old"
if command -v rsync &>/dev/null; then
rsync --archive --quiet --backup --partial --copy-links --cvs-exclude "$src"/ "$src.old"
case "$OS" in
cp -R "$src/." "$src.old/."
cp -r "$src/." "$src.old/."
function verify_lvim_dirs() {
for dir in "${__lvim_dirs[@]}"; do
if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
if [ "$ARGS_OVERWRITE" -eq 0 ]; then
__backup_dir "$dir"
rm -rf "$dir"
mkdir -p "$dir"
2021-08-02 18:04:26 +02:00
function clone_lvim() {
msg "Cloning LunarVim configuration"
if ! git clone --branch "$LV_BRANCH" \
echo "Failed to clone repository. Installation failed."
exit 1
function link_local_lvim() {
echo "Linking local LunarVim repo"
# Detect whether it's a symlink or a folder
if [ -d "$LUNARVIM_BASE_DIR" ]; then
msg "Moving old files to ${LUNARVIM_BASE_DIR}.old"
function setup_shim() {
make -C "$LUNARVIM_BASE_DIR" install-bin
function remove_old_cache_files() {
refactor: migrate to lazy.nvim (#3647) * refactor: convert plugins spec to lazy * refactor(lazy): remove impatient * fix(telescope): no more errors if theme is nil * refactor(lazy): use lazy in plugin_loader * refactor(lazy): pin plugins with packer's snapshot * fix: add plugins to rtp before config:init * fix: fs_stat nil check * feat: lazy cache * feat(lazy): reloading * refactor(lazy): plugin-loader functions * feat(lazy): cache reset * refactor: set runtimepath manually * fix: runtimepath * refactor(rtp) * refactor(lazy): packer -> lazy in various places * fix(lazy): disable tree-sitter ensure installed * refactor(lazy): restore order to bootstrap * refactor(lazy): remove unused impatient profiler * small fixes * `lvim.plugins` deprecation handling * fix: deprecation of `requires` in plugin specs * feat: core plugins pinning * refactor(lazy): plugin loader tests * refactor(lazy): use lazy in scripts * refactor(lazy): which-key keybinds * chore: format * fix: installer * fix: first time setup * feat: changes required for packaging commit 951ac2b7c01b5200b973660c967852d1706cce28 Author: LostNeophyte <> Date: Wed Dec 28 13:49:44 2022 +0100 fix: clean folder before copying plugins commit 64e9afa44b8e528ba527e0510d0d8c2d2237a095 Author: LostNeophyte <> Date: Wed Dec 28 13:35:41 2022 +0100 feat: copy core plugins on first run commit 2d8e72090c7624f68c09a9aa6582223373a810c1 Author: LostNeophyte <> Date: Wed Dec 28 13:11:22 2022 +0100 feat(utils): fs_copy commit 85c1f025a6ba13183e85141f75f60e2eefc77bb5 Author: LostNeophyte <> Date: Wed Dec 28 13:04:38 2022 +0100 fix: copy correct example config * fix: packer specs deprecation handling * fix: plugin specs deprecation * feat: pin lazy's version * fix: remove plugins form rtp before loading lazy * fix: plugin-loader test * feat(lazy): add keymappings for profile, log, and debug (#3665) * feat(lazy): Add keymappings for profile, log, and debug * feat(lazy): Add keymap for cleaning * chore: format * pref: lazy load many plugins Co-authored-by: Uzair Aftab <> * fix: bootstrap correct version of lazy * fix: also use CmdLineEnter event for cmp * fix: don't use lazy's modules before it's set up * perf: (hack) enable lazy's cache before loading lazy * fix: plugins.lua * fix: plugins bump script * chore: remove debug print * feat: add rounded border for `:Lazy` * fix: bufferline flashing * fix: don't close lazy on startup * fix: load breadcrumbs on startup * fix: don't lazy load bufferline * chore: bump lazy's version * fix: remove site from rtp (fixes treesitter issues) * revert default config copying changes * fix(bootstrap): actually remove plugins dir on windows * chore: bump lazy's version * chore: bump lazy's version Co-authored-by: kylo252 <> Co-authored-by: Uzair Aftab <> Co-authored-by: Uzair Aftab <> Co-authored-by: opalmay <>
2023-01-10 21:18:17 +01:00
local lazy_cache="$LUNARVIM_CACHE_DIR/lazy/cache"
if [ -e "$lazy_cache" ]; then
msg "Removing old lazy cache file"
rm -f "$lazy_cache"
function setup_lvim() {
msg "Installing LunarVim shim"
[ ! -f "$LUNARVIM_CONFIG_DIR/config.lua" ] \
&& cp "$LUNARVIM_BASE_DIR/utils/installer/config.example.lua" "$LUNARVIM_CONFIG_DIR/config.lua"
refactor: migrate to lazy.nvim (#3647) * refactor: convert plugins spec to lazy * refactor(lazy): remove impatient * fix(telescope): no more errors if theme is nil * refactor(lazy): use lazy in plugin_loader * refactor(lazy): pin plugins with packer's snapshot * fix: add plugins to rtp before config:init * fix: fs_stat nil check * feat: lazy cache * feat(lazy): reloading * refactor(lazy): plugin-loader functions * feat(lazy): cache reset * refactor: set runtimepath manually * fix: runtimepath * refactor(rtp) * refactor(lazy): packer -> lazy in various places * fix(lazy): disable tree-sitter ensure installed * refactor(lazy): restore order to bootstrap * refactor(lazy): remove unused impatient profiler * small fixes * `lvim.plugins` deprecation handling * fix: deprecation of `requires` in plugin specs * feat: core plugins pinning * refactor(lazy): plugin loader tests * refactor(lazy): use lazy in scripts * refactor(lazy): which-key keybinds * chore: format * fix: installer * fix: first time setup * feat: changes required for packaging commit 951ac2b7c01b5200b973660c967852d1706cce28 Author: LostNeophyte <> Date: Wed Dec 28 13:49:44 2022 +0100 fix: clean folder before copying plugins commit 64e9afa44b8e528ba527e0510d0d8c2d2237a095 Author: LostNeophyte <> Date: Wed Dec 28 13:35:41 2022 +0100 feat: copy core plugins on first run commit 2d8e72090c7624f68c09a9aa6582223373a810c1 Author: LostNeophyte <> Date: Wed Dec 28 13:11:22 2022 +0100 feat(utils): fs_copy commit 85c1f025a6ba13183e85141f75f60e2eefc77bb5 Author: LostNeophyte <> Date: Wed Dec 28 13:04:38 2022 +0100 fix: copy correct example config * fix: packer specs deprecation handling * fix: plugin specs deprecation * feat: pin lazy's version * fix: remove plugins form rtp before loading lazy * fix: plugin-loader test * feat(lazy): add keymappings for profile, log, and debug (#3665) * feat(lazy): Add keymappings for profile, log, and debug * feat(lazy): Add keymap for cleaning * chore: format * pref: lazy load many plugins Co-authored-by: Uzair Aftab <> * fix: bootstrap correct version of lazy * fix: also use CmdLineEnter event for cmp * fix: don't use lazy's modules before it's set up * perf: (hack) enable lazy's cache before loading lazy * fix: plugins.lua * fix: plugins bump script * chore: remove debug print * feat: add rounded border for `:Lazy` * fix: bufferline flashing * fix: don't close lazy on startup * fix: load breadcrumbs on startup * fix: don't lazy load bufferline * chore: bump lazy's version * fix: remove site from rtp (fixes treesitter issues) * revert default config copying changes * fix(bootstrap): actually remove plugins dir on windows * chore: bump lazy's version * chore: bump lazy's version Co-authored-by: kylo252 <> Co-authored-by: Uzair Aftab <> Co-authored-by: Uzair Aftab <> Co-authored-by: opalmay <>
2023-01-10 21:18:17 +01:00
echo "Preparing Lazy setup"
refactor: migrate to lazy.nvim (#3647) * refactor: convert plugins spec to lazy * refactor(lazy): remove impatient * fix(telescope): no more errors if theme is nil * refactor(lazy): use lazy in plugin_loader * refactor(lazy): pin plugins with packer's snapshot * fix: add plugins to rtp before config:init * fix: fs_stat nil check * feat: lazy cache * feat(lazy): reloading * refactor(lazy): plugin-loader functions * feat(lazy): cache reset * refactor: set runtimepath manually * fix: runtimepath * refactor(rtp) * refactor(lazy): packer -> lazy in various places * fix(lazy): disable tree-sitter ensure installed * refactor(lazy): restore order to bootstrap * refactor(lazy): remove unused impatient profiler * small fixes * `lvim.plugins` deprecation handling * fix: deprecation of `requires` in plugin specs * feat: core plugins pinning * refactor(lazy): plugin loader tests * refactor(lazy): use lazy in scripts * refactor(lazy): which-key keybinds * chore: format * fix: installer * fix: first time setup * feat: changes required for packaging commit 951ac2b7c01b5200b973660c967852d1706cce28 Author: LostNeophyte <> Date: Wed Dec 28 13:49:44 2022 +0100 fix: clean folder before copying plugins commit 64e9afa44b8e528ba527e0510d0d8c2d2237a095 Author: LostNeophyte <> Date: Wed Dec 28 13:35:41 2022 +0100 feat: copy core plugins on first run commit 2d8e72090c7624f68c09a9aa6582223373a810c1 Author: LostNeophyte <> Date: Wed Dec 28 13:11:22 2022 +0100 feat(utils): fs_copy commit 85c1f025a6ba13183e85141f75f60e2eefc77bb5 Author: LostNeophyte <> Date: Wed Dec 28 13:04:38 2022 +0100 fix: copy correct example config * fix: packer specs deprecation handling * fix: plugin specs deprecation * feat: pin lazy's version * fix: remove plugins form rtp before loading lazy * fix: plugin-loader test * feat(lazy): add keymappings for profile, log, and debug (#3665) * feat(lazy): Add keymappings for profile, log, and debug * feat(lazy): Add keymap for cleaning * chore: format * pref: lazy load many plugins Co-authored-by: Uzair Aftab <> * fix: bootstrap correct version of lazy * fix: also use CmdLineEnter event for cmp * fix: don't use lazy's modules before it's set up * perf: (hack) enable lazy's cache before loading lazy * fix: plugins.lua * fix: plugins bump script * chore: remove debug print * feat: add rounded border for `:Lazy` * fix: bufferline flashing * fix: don't close lazy on startup * fix: load breadcrumbs on startup * fix: don't lazy load bufferline * chore: bump lazy's version * fix: remove site from rtp (fixes treesitter issues) * revert default config copying changes * fix(bootstrap): actually remove plugins dir on windows * chore: bump lazy's version * chore: bump lazy's version Co-authored-by: kylo252 <> Co-authored-by: Uzair Aftab <> Co-authored-by: Uzair Aftab <> Co-authored-by: opalmay <>
2023-01-10 21:18:17 +01:00
"$INSTALL_PREFIX/bin/lvim" --headless -c 'quitall'
refactor: migrate to lazy.nvim (#3647) * refactor: convert plugins spec to lazy * refactor(lazy): remove impatient * fix(telescope): no more errors if theme is nil * refactor(lazy): use lazy in plugin_loader * refactor(lazy): pin plugins with packer's snapshot * fix: add plugins to rtp before config:init * fix: fs_stat nil check * feat: lazy cache * feat(lazy): reloading * refactor(lazy): plugin-loader functions * feat(lazy): cache reset * refactor: set runtimepath manually * fix: runtimepath * refactor(rtp) * refactor(lazy): packer -> lazy in various places * fix(lazy): disable tree-sitter ensure installed * refactor(lazy): restore order to bootstrap * refactor(lazy): remove unused impatient profiler * small fixes * `lvim.plugins` deprecation handling * fix: deprecation of `requires` in plugin specs * feat: core plugins pinning * refactor(lazy): plugin loader tests * refactor(lazy): use lazy in scripts * refactor(lazy): which-key keybinds * chore: format * fix: installer * fix: first time setup * feat: changes required for packaging commit 951ac2b7c01b5200b973660c967852d1706cce28 Author: LostNeophyte <> Date: Wed Dec 28 13:49:44 2022 +0100 fix: clean folder before copying plugins commit 64e9afa44b8e528ba527e0510d0d8c2d2237a095 Author: LostNeophyte <> Date: Wed Dec 28 13:35:41 2022 +0100 feat: copy core plugins on first run commit 2d8e72090c7624f68c09a9aa6582223373a810c1 Author: LostNeophyte <> Date: Wed Dec 28 13:11:22 2022 +0100 feat(utils): fs_copy commit 85c1f025a6ba13183e85141f75f60e2eefc77bb5 Author: LostNeophyte <> Date: Wed Dec 28 13:04:38 2022 +0100 fix: copy correct example config * fix: packer specs deprecation handling * fix: plugin specs deprecation * feat: pin lazy's version * fix: remove plugins form rtp before loading lazy * fix: plugin-loader test * feat(lazy): add keymappings for profile, log, and debug (#3665) * feat(lazy): Add keymappings for profile, log, and debug * feat(lazy): Add keymap for cleaning * chore: format * pref: lazy load many plugins Co-authored-by: Uzair Aftab <> * fix: bootstrap correct version of lazy * fix: also use CmdLineEnter event for cmp * fix: don't use lazy's modules before it's set up * perf: (hack) enable lazy's cache before loading lazy * fix: plugins.lua * fix: plugins bump script * chore: remove debug print * feat: add rounded border for `:Lazy` * fix: bufferline flashing * fix: don't close lazy on startup * fix: load breadcrumbs on startup * fix: don't lazy load bufferline * chore: bump lazy's version * fix: remove site from rtp (fixes treesitter issues) * revert default config copying changes * fix(bootstrap): actually remove plugins dir on windows * chore: bump lazy's version * chore: bump lazy's version Co-authored-by: kylo252 <> Co-authored-by: Uzair Aftab <> Co-authored-by: Uzair Aftab <> Co-authored-by: opalmay <>
2023-01-10 21:18:17 +01:00
echo "Lazy setup complete"
2021-03-15 03:25:28 +01:00
function create_desktop_file() {
# TODO: Any other OSes that use desktop files?
([ "$OS" != "Linux" ] || ! command -v xdg-desktop-menu &>/dev/null) && return
echo "Creating desktop file"
for d in "$LUNARVIM_BASE_DIR"/utils/desktop/*/; do
size_folder=$(basename "$d")
mkdir -p "$XDG_DATA_HOME/icons/hicolor/$size_folder/apps/"
cp "$LUNARVIM_BASE_DIR/utils/desktop/$size_folder/lvim.svg" "$XDG_DATA_HOME/icons/hicolor/$size_folder/apps"
xdg-desktop-menu install --novendor "$LUNARVIM_BASE_DIR/utils/desktop/lvim.desktop" || true
function print_logo() {
cat <<'EOF'
88\ 88\
88 | \__|
88 |88\ 88\ 888888$\ 888888\ 888888\ 88\ 88\ 88\ 888888\8888\
88 |88 | 88 |88 __88\ \____88\ 88 __88\\88\ 88 |88 |88 _88 _88\
88 |88 | 88 |88 | 88 | 888888$ |88 | \__|\88\88 / 88 |88 / 88 / 88 |
88 |88 | 88 |88 | 88 |88 __88 |88 | \88$ / 88 |88 | 88 | 88 |
88 |\888888 |88 | 88 |\888888$ |88 | \$ / 88 |88 | 88 | 88 |
\__| \______/ \__| \__| \_______|\__| \_/ \__|\__| \__| \__|
2021-07-27 00:26:37 +02:00
main "$@"