
51 lines
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2021-07-05 03:14:01 +02:00
local util = require "lspconfig/util"
-- In Vimscript
-- augroup lsp
-- au!
-- au FileType java lua require('jdtls').start_or_attach({cmd = {'java-linux-ls'}})
-- augroup end
-- find_root looks for parent directories relative to the current buffer containing one of the given arguments.
-- require'lspconfig'.jdtls.setup {cmd = {'java-linux-ls'}}
-- if vim.fn.has("mac") == 1 then
-- JAVA_LS_EXECUTABLE = 'java-mac-ls'
-- elseif vim.fn.has("unix") == 1 then
-- JAVA_LS_EXECUTABLE = 'java-linux-ls'
-- else
-- print("Unsupported system")
-- end
2021-03-23 03:10:39 +01:00
-- local bundles = {
-- vim.fn.glob(
-- CONFIG_PATH.."/.debuggers/java-debug/*.jar")
-- };
2021-03-23 03:10:39 +01:00
local on_attach = function(client, bufr)
2021-07-05 03:14:01 +02:00
-- require('jdtls').setup_dap()
require("lsp").common_on_attach(client, bufr)
2021-03-23 03:10:39 +01:00
2021-07-05 03:14:01 +02:00
require("lspconfig").jdtls.setup {
on_attach = on_attach,
cmd = { DATA_PATH .. "/lspinstall/java/" },
filetypes = { "java" },
root_dir = util.root_pattern { ".git", "build.gradle", "pom.xml" },
-- init_options = {bundles = bundles}
-- on_attach = require'lsp'.common_on_attach
-- require('jdtls').start_or_attach({
-- on_attach = on_attach,
-- cmd = {DATA_PATH .. "/lspinstall/java/"},
-- root_dir = require('jdtls.setup').find_root({'build.gradle', 'pom.xml', '.git'}),
-- init_options = {bundles = bundles}
-- })
2021-07-01 00:45:40 +02:00
-- TODO setup autoformat stuff later
2021-07-05 03:14:01 +02:00
-- _java = {
-- -- {'FileType', 'java', 'luafile '..CONFIG_PATH..'/lua/lsp/java-ls.lua'},
-- {
-- 'FileType', 'java',
-- 'nnoremap ca <Cmd>lua require(\'jdtls\').code_action()<CR>'
-- }
-- }