
110 lines
3.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-07-25 13:55:19 +02:00
local autocommands = {}
lvim.autocommands = {
_general_settings = {
"lua require('vim.highlight').on_yank({higroup = 'Search', timeout = 200})",
"setlocal formatoptions-=c formatoptions-=r formatoptions-=o",
"setlocal cursorline signcolumn=yes cursorcolumn number",
"setlocal formatoptions-=c formatoptions-=r formatoptions-=o",
"setlocal formatoptions-=c formatoptions-=r formatoptions-=o",
{ "BufWritePost", USER_CONFIG_PATH, "lua require('utils').reload_lv_config()" },
2021-07-25 13:55:19 +02:00
2021-07-25 13:57:48 +02:00
"set nobuflisted",
2021-07-25 13:55:19 +02:00
-- { "VimLeavePre", "*", "set title set titleold=" },
_filetypechanges = {
2021-07-29 06:51:50 +02:00
{ "BufWinEnter", ".tf", "setlocal filetype=terraform" },
{ "BufRead", "*.tf", "setlocal filetype=terraform" },
{ "BufNewFile", "*.tf", "setlocal filetype=terraform" },
2021-07-25 13:55:19 +02:00
{ "BufWinEnter", ".zsh", "setlocal filetype=sh" },
{ "BufRead", "*.zsh", "setlocal filetype=sh" },
{ "BufNewFile", "*.zsh", "setlocal filetype=sh" },
-- _solidity = {
-- {'BufWinEnter', '.sol', 'setlocal filetype=solidity'}, {'BufRead', '*.sol', 'setlocal filetype=solidity'},
-- {'BufNewFile', '*.sol', 'setlocal filetype=solidity'}
-- },
-- _gemini = {
-- {'BufWinEnter', '.gmi', 'setlocal filetype=markdown'}, {'BufRead', '*.gmi', 'setlocal filetype=markdown'},
-- {'BufNewFile', '*.gmi', 'setlocal filetype=markdown'}
-- },
_markdown = {
{ "FileType", "markdown", "setlocal wrap" },
{ "FileType", "markdown", "setlocal spell" },
_buffer_bindings = {
{ "FileType", "floaterm", "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> q :q<CR>" },
_auto_resize = {
-- will cause split windows to be resized evenly if main window is resized
{ "VimResized", "*", "wincmd =" },
_packer_compile = {
2021-08-02 12:56:03 +02:00
-- will run PackerCompile after writing plugins.lua
2021-07-25 13:55:19 +02:00
{ "BufWritePost", "plugins.lua", "PackerCompile" },
2021-07-29 01:18:30 +02:00
_general_lsp = {
{ "FileType", "lspinfo", "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> q :q<CR>" },
2021-07-25 13:57:48 +02:00
2021-07-25 13:55:19 +02:00
-- _fterm_lazygit = {
-- -- will cause esc key to exit lazy git
-- {"TermEnter", "*", "call LazyGitNativation()"}
-- },
-- _mode_switching = {
-- -- will switch between absolute and relative line numbers depending on mode
-- {'InsertEnter', '*', 'if &relativenumber | let g:ms_relativenumberoff = 1 | setlocal number norelativenumber | endif'},
-- {'InsertLeave', '*', 'if exists("g:ms_relativenumberoff") | setlocal relativenumber | endif'},
-- {'InsertEnter', '*', 'if &cursorline | let g:ms_cursorlineoff = 1 | setlocal nocursorline | endif'},
-- {'InsertLeave', '*', 'if exists("g:ms_cursorlineoff") | setlocal cursorline | endif'},
-- },
custom_groups = {},
function autocommands.define_augroups(definitions) -- {{{1
-- Create autocommand groups based on the passed definitions
-- The key will be the name of the group, and each definition
-- within the group should have:
-- 1. Trigger
-- 2. Pattern
-- 3. Text
-- just like how they would normally be defined from Vim itself
for group_name, definition in pairs(definitions) do
vim.cmd("augroup " .. group_name)
vim.cmd "autocmd!"
for _, def in pairs(definition) do
local command = table.concat(vim.tbl_flatten { "autocmd", def }, " ")
vim.cmd "augroup END"
return autocommands