diff --git a/lua/lv-galaxyline/init.lua b/lua/lv-galaxyline/init.lua index 61b93a1a..b3efa434 100644 --- a/lua/lv-galaxyline/init.lua +++ b/lua/lv-galaxyline/init.lua @@ -21,6 +21,52 @@ local colors = { error_red = '#F44747', info_yellow = '#FFCC66' } + +-- galaxyline themes for Gruvbox and NVCode. +-- Uncomment and change 'colors_colorschemeName' +-- to 'colors' to enable. + +-- Colors for Gruvbox +-- local colors_gruvbox = { +-- bg = '#32302F', +-- yellow = '#FABD2F', +-- dark_yellow = '#D79921', +-- cyan = '#689D6A', +-- green = '#608B4E', +-- light_green = '#B8BB26', +-- string_orange = '#D65D0E', +-- orange = '#FE8019', +-- purple = '#B16286', +-- magenta = '#D3869B', +-- grey = '#A89984', +-- blue = '#458588', +-- -- vivid_blue = '#4FC1FF', +-- light_blue = '#83A598', +-- red = '#FB4834', +-- error_red = '#CC241D', +-- info_yellow = '#D79921' +-- } +-- colors for NVCode theme (very minimal changes) +-- local colors_nvcode = { +-- bg = '#2E2E2E', +-- yellow = '#DCDCAA', +-- dark_yellow = '#D7BA7D', +-- cyan = '#4EC9B0', +-- green = '#608B4E', +-- light_green = '#B5CEA8', +-- string_orange = '#CE9178', +-- orange = '#FF8800', +-- purple = '#C586C0', +-- magenta = '#D16D9E', +-- grey = '#729CB3', +-- blue = '#569CD6', +-- vivid_blue = '#4FC1FF', +-- light_blue = '#9CDCFE', +-- red = '#D16969', +-- error_red = '#F44747', +-- info_yellow = '#FFCC66' +-- } + local condition = require('galaxyline.condition') local gls = gl.section gl.short_line_list = {'NvimTree', 'vista', 'dbui', 'packer'} diff --git a/lv-config.lua b/lv-config.lua index 48d71d3b..af9c7e47 100644 --- a/lv-config.lua +++ b/lv-config.lua @@ -78,3 +78,16 @@ O.lang.go.autoformat = true -- Turn off cursorline -- O.cursorline = false + +-- Neovim turns the default cursor to 'Block' +-- when switched back into terminal. +-- This below line fixes that. Uncomment if needed. + +-- vim.cmd('autocmd VimLeave,VimSuspend * set guicursor=a:ver90') -- Beam +-- vim.cmd('autocmd VimLeave,VimSuspend * set guicursor=a:hor20') -- Underline + +-- NOTE: Above code doesn't take a value from the terminal's cursor and +-- replace it. It hardcodes the cursor shape. +-- And I think `ver` means vertical and `hor` means horizontal. +-- The numbers didn't make a difference in alacritty. Please change +-- the number to something that suits your needs if it looks weird.