Fixing a couple of typos in which key (#229)

This commit is contained in:
fanmih 2021-04-03 19:01:25 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 12c2b7dbad
commit a384a706af
WARNING! Although there is a key with this ID in the database it does not verify this commit! This commit is SUSPICIOUS.
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23

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@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ let g:which_key_map['e'] = [ ':NvimTreeToggle' ,
let g:which_key_map['f'] = [ ':Telescope find_files' , 'find files' ]
let g:which_key_map['h'] = [ '<C-W>s' , 'split below']
let g:which_key_map['M'] = [ ':MarkdownPreviewToggle' , 'markdown preview']
let g:which_key_map['h'] = [ ':let @/ = ""' , 'no highlight' ]
let g:which_key_map['H'] = [ ':let @/ = ""' , 'no highlight' ]
let g:which_key_map['r'] = [ ':RnvimrToggle' , 'ranger' ]
let g:which_key_map['*'] = [ ':DogeGenerate' , 'documentation generator' ]
let g:which_key_map['u'] = [ ':UndotreeToggle' , 'undo tree' ]
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ let g:which_key_map.F = {
" m is for mark
" I'd rather use regular marks but they never clear
let g:which_key_map.m = {
\ 'name': '+fold',
\ 'name': '+mark',
\ 't' : [':BookmarkToggle' , 'toggle'],
\ 'j' : [':BookmarkNext' , 'next mark'],
\ 'k' : [':BookmarkPrev' , 'prev mark']