chore: move table mappings to table spec

This commit is contained in: 2024-07-14 04:36:22 +07:00
parent c8e11d27b3
commit bb0a721c5d

View file

@ -15,142 +15,8 @@ M.config = function()
--- You can add any mappings here, or use `require('which-key').add()` later
---@type wk.Spec
spec = {},
-- show a warning when issues were detected with your mappings
notify = true,
-- Enable/disable WhichKey for certain mapping modes
modes = {
n = true, -- Normal mode
i = true, -- Insert mode
x = true, -- Visual mode
s = true, -- Select mode
o = true, -- Operator pending mode
t = true, -- Terminal mode
c = true, -- Command mode
plugins = {
marks = false, -- shows a list of your marks on ' and `
registers = false, -- shows your registers on " in NORMAL or <C-r> in INSERT mode
-- the presets plugin, adds help for a bunch of default keybindings in Neovim
-- No actual key bindings are created
spelling = {
enabled = true, -- enabling this will show WhichKey when pressing z= to select spelling suggestions
suggestions = 20, -- how many suggestions should be shown in the list?
presets = {
operators = false, -- adds help for operators like d, y, ...
motions = false, -- adds help for motions
text_objects = false, -- help for text objects triggered after entering an operator
windows = false, -- default bindings on <c-w>
nav = false, -- misc bindings to work with windows
z = false, -- bindings for folds, spelling and others prefixed with z
g = false, -- bindings for prefixed with g
---@type wk.Win
win = {
-- don't allow the popup to overlap with the cursor
no_overlap = true,
-- width = 1,
-- height = { min = 4, max = 25 },
-- col = 0,
-- row = math.huge,
-- border = "none",
border = "single",
padding = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }, -- extra window padding [top/bottom, right/left]
title = true,
title_pos = "center",
zindex = 1000,
-- Additional vim.wo and options
bo = {},
wo = {
winblend = 0,
layout = {
height = { min = 4, max = 25 }, -- min and max height of the columns
width = { min = 20, max = 50 }, -- min and max width of the columns
spacing = 3, -- spacing between columns
align = "left", -- align columns left, center or right
keys = {
scroll_down = "<c-d>", -- binding to scroll down inside the popup
scroll_up = "<c-u>", -- binding to scroll up inside the popup
---@type (string|wk.Sorter)[]
--- Add "manual" as the first element to use the order the mappings were registered
--- Other sorters: "desc"
sort = { "local", "order", "group", "alphanum", "mod", "lower", "icase" },
expand = 1, -- expand groups when <= n mappings
---@type table<string, ({[1]:string, [2]:string}|fun(str:string):string)[]>
replace = {
key = {
return require("which-key.view").format(key)
-- { "<Space>", "SPC" },
desc = {
{ "<Plug>%((.*)%)", "%1" },
{ "^%+", "" },
{ "<[cC]md>", "" },
{ "<[cC][rR]>", "" },
{ "<[sS]ilent>", "" },
{ "^lua%s+", "" },
{ "^call%s+", "" },
{ "^:%s*", "" },
icons = {
breadcrumb = lvim.icons.ui.DoubleChevronRight,
separator = lvim.icons.ui.BoldArrowRight, -- symbol used between a key and it's label
group = lvim.icons.ui.Plus, -- symbol prepended to a group
ellipsis = "",
--- See `lua/which-key/icons.lua` for more details
--- Set to `false` to disable keymap icons
---@type wk.IconRule[]|false
rules = {},
-- use the highlights from mini.icons
-- When `false`, it will use `WhichKeyIcon` instead
colors = true,
-- used by key format
keys = {
Up = "",
Down = "",
Left = "",
Right = "",
C = "󰘴 ",
M = "󰘵 ",
S = "󰘶 ",
CR = "󰌑 ",
Esc = "󱊷 ",
ScrollWheelDown = "󱕐 ",
ScrollWheelUp = "󱕑 ",
NL = "󰌑 ",
BS = "",
Space = "󱁐 ",
Tab = "󰌒 ",
show_help = true, -- show a help message in the command line for using WhichKey
show_keys = true, -- show the currently pressed key and its label as a message in the command line
-- Which-key automatically sets up triggers for your mappings.
-- But you can disable this and setup the triggers yourself.
-- Be aware, that triggers are not needed for visual and operator pending mode.
triggers = true, -- automatically setup triggers
disable = {
-- disable WhichKey for certain buf types and file types.
ft = {},
bt = { "TelescopePrompt" },
-- disable a trigger for a certain context by returning true
---@type fun(ctx: { keys: string, mode: string, plugin?: string }):boolean?
trigger = function(ctx)
return false
debug = false, -- enable wk.log in the current directory
spec = {
mappings = {
{ "<leader>;", "<cmd>Alpha<CR>", desc = "Dashboard", nowait = true, remap = false },
{ "<leader>L", group = "LunarVim", nowait = true, remap = false },
@ -481,6 +347,141 @@ M.config = function()
-- show a warning when issues were detected with your mappings
notify = true,
-- Enable/disable WhichKey for certain mapping modes
modes = {
n = true, -- Normal mode
i = true, -- Insert mode
x = true, -- Visual mode
s = true, -- Select mode
o = true, -- Operator pending mode
t = true, -- Terminal mode
c = true, -- Command mode
plugins = {
marks = false, -- shows a list of your marks on ' and `
registers = false, -- shows your registers on " in NORMAL or <C-r> in INSERT mode
-- the presets plugin, adds help for a bunch of default keybindings in Neovim
-- No actual key bindings are created
spelling = {
enabled = true, -- enabling this will show WhichKey when pressing z= to select spelling suggestions
suggestions = 20, -- how many suggestions should be shown in the list?
presets = {
operators = false, -- adds help for operators like d, y, ...
motions = false, -- adds help for motions
text_objects = false, -- help for text objects triggered after entering an operator
windows = false, -- default bindings on <c-w>
nav = false, -- misc bindings to work with windows
z = false, -- bindings for folds, spelling and others prefixed with z
g = false, -- bindings for prefixed with g
---@type wk.Win
win = {
-- don't allow the popup to overlap with the cursor
no_overlap = true,
-- width = 1,
-- height = { min = 4, max = 25 },
-- col = 0,
-- row = math.huge,
-- border = "none",
border = "single",
padding = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }, -- extra window padding [top/bottom, right/left]
title = true,
title_pos = "center",
zindex = 1000,
-- Additional vim.wo and options
bo = {},
wo = {
winblend = 0,
layout = {
height = { min = 4, max = 25 }, -- min and max height of the columns
width = { min = 20, max = 50 }, -- min and max width of the columns
spacing = 3, -- spacing between columns
align = "left", -- align columns left, center or right
keys = {
scroll_down = "<c-d>", -- binding to scroll down inside the popup
scroll_up = "<c-u>", -- binding to scroll up inside the popup
---@type (string|wk.Sorter)[]
--- Add "manual" as the first element to use the order the mappings were registered
--- Other sorters: "desc"
sort = { "local", "order", "group", "alphanum", "mod", "lower", "icase" },
expand = 1, -- expand groups when <= n mappings
---@type table<string, ({[1]:string, [2]:string}|fun(str:string):string)[]>
replace = {
key = {
return require("which-key.view").format(key)
-- { "<Space>", "SPC" },
desc = {
{ "<Plug>%((.*)%)", "%1" },
{ "^%+", "" },
{ "<[cC]md>", "" },
{ "<[cC][rR]>", "" },
{ "<[sS]ilent>", "" },
{ "^lua%s+", "" },
{ "^call%s+", "" },
{ "^:%s*", "" },
icons = {
breadcrumb = lvim.icons.ui.DoubleChevronRight,
separator = lvim.icons.ui.BoldArrowRight, -- symbol used between a key and it's label
group = lvim.icons.ui.Plus, -- symbol prepended to a group
ellipsis = "",
--- See `lua/which-key/icons.lua` for more details
--- Set to `false` to disable keymap icons
---@type wk.IconRule[]|false
rules = {},
-- use the highlights from mini.icons
-- When `false`, it will use `WhichKeyIcon` instead
colors = true,
-- used by key format
keys = {
Up = "",
Down = "",
Left = "",
Right = "",
C = "󰘴 ",
M = "󰘵 ",
S = "󰘶 ",
CR = "󰌑 ",
Esc = "󱊷 ",
ScrollWheelDown = "󱕐 ",
ScrollWheelUp = "󱕑 ",
NL = "󰌑 ",
BS = "",
Space = "󱁐 ",
Tab = "󰌒 ",
show_help = true, -- show a help message in the command line for using WhichKey
show_keys = true, -- show the currently pressed key and its label as a message in the command line
-- Which-key automatically sets up triggers for your mappings.
-- But you can disable this and setup the triggers yourself.
-- Be aware, that triggers are not needed for visual and operator pending mode.
triggers = true, -- automatically setup triggers
disable = {
-- disable WhichKey for certain buf types and file types.
ft = {},
bt = { "TelescopePrompt" },
-- disable a trigger for a certain context by returning true
---@type fun(ctx: { keys: string, mode: string, plugin?: string }):boolean?
trigger = function(ctx)
return false
debug = false, -- enable wk.log in the current directory
mappings = {},
@ -489,7 +490,6 @@ M.setup = function()
local which_key = require "which-key"
local opts = lvim.builtin.which_key.opts