added fuzzy finder

This commit is contained in:
Chrisatmachine 2018-08-21 21:31:19 -04:00
parent 76c96ae52b
commit e0d3916c9e
2 changed files with 14 additions and 3 deletions

View file

@ -96,14 +96,22 @@ if dein#load_state('~/chris/.cache/dein')
call dein#add('jeetsukumaran/vim-buffergator')
" Ctrlp
call dein#add('ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim')
call dein#add('tpope/vim-fugitive')
" Searchtasks searches for TODO, FIXME, XXX and such run :SearchTasks .
call dein#add('gilsondev/searchtasks.vim')
" Syntax
call dein#add('w0rp/ale')
" Git
call dein#add('airblade/vim-gitgutter')
call dein#add('tpope/vim-fugitive')
" Multiple Cursors
call dein#add('terryma/vim-multiple-cursors')
" NERDTree
call dein#add('scrooloose/nerdtree')
call dein#add('junegunn/fzf.vim')
call dein#add('junegunn/fzf')
" BufOnly use :BufOnly to unload all or pass it a single buffer
call dein#add('vim-scripts/BufOnly.vim')
" For autocomplete
@ -137,7 +145,7 @@ endif
"""""""""" SPACEVIM THEME """"""""""
" Set theme
if strftime('%H') >= 7 && strftime('%H') < 10
if strftime('%H') >= 7 && strftime('%H') < 8
set background=light
colorscheme stellarized
@ -175,11 +183,11 @@ let g:startify_custom_header = [
\ ' / /| / __/ /_/ / |/ / / / / / / /',
\ ' /_/ |_/\___/\____/|___/_/_/ /_/ /_/ ']
let g:syntastic_cpp_config_file='.syntastic_cpp_config'
" Tagbar
nmap <F8> :TagbarToggle<CR>
" NERDTree
nmap <F5> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
let NERDTreeShowHidden = 1
" SearchTasks
nmap <F4> :SearchTasks *<CR>
"""""""""" END CONFIGS """"""""""
@ -217,6 +225,9 @@ else
" For Debian based
let g:python3_host_prog = '/usr/bin/python3.6'
if !empty((glob("~/.fzf")))
set rtp+=~/.fzf
""""""""""" FUNCTION KEYS """"""""""""""
"TODO figure out cscope

View file

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
<Right> init.vim /^ nnoremap <Right> :vertical resize +2<CR>$/;" m
<TAB> init.vim /^inoremap <expr><TAB> pumvisible() ? "\\<C-n>" : "\\<TAB>"$/;" m
<Up> init.vim /^ nnoremap <Up> :resize -2<CR>$/;" m
NERDTreeShowHidden init.vim /^let NERDTreeShowHidden = 1$/;" v
base16colorspace init.vim /^let base16colorspace=256 " Access colors present in 256 colorspace$/;" v
g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled init.vim /^let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1$/;" v
g:airline_powerline_fonts init.vim /^let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1 $/;" v
@ -52,5 +53,4 @@ g:python3_host_prog init.vim /^ let g:python3_host_prog = '\/bin\/python3.6'$
g:python3_host_prog init.vim /^ let g:python3_host_prog = '\/usr\/bin\/python3.6'$/;" v
g:space_vim_dark_background init.vim /^let g:space_vim_dark_background = 233$/;" v
g:startify_custom_header init.vim /^let g:startify_custom_header = [ /;" v
g:syntastic_cpp_config_file init.vim /^let g:syntastic_cpp_config_file='.syntastic_cpp_config'$/;" v
nvim /^# nvim$/;" c