local M = {} M.config = function() O.lang.julia = { lsp = { path = CONFIG_PATH .. "/lua/lsp/julia/run.jl", }, } end M.format = function() -- todo: implement formatters (if applicable) return "no formatters configured!" end M.lint = function() -- todo: implement linters (if applicable) return "no linters configured!" end M.lsp = function() if require("lv-utils").check_lsp_client_active "julials" then return end -- Add the following lines to a new julia file, e.g. install.jl -- using Pkg -- Pkg.instantiate() -- Run the file you created. -- julia install.jl -- Julia language server will now be installed on your system. local cmd = { "julia", "--startup-file=no", "--history-file=no", -- vim.fn.expand "~/.config/nvim/lua/lsp/julia/run.jl", O.lang.julia.lsp.path, } require("lspconfig").julials.setup { cmd = cmd, on_new_config = function(new_config, _) new_config.cmd = cmd end, filetypes = { "julia" }, } end M.dap = function() -- TODO: implement dap return "No DAP configured!" end return M