local M = {} M.config = function() O.lang.vue = { formatter = { exe = "prettier", args = { "--stdin-filepath", "${FILEPATH}", }, stdin = true, }, auto_import = true, lsp = { path = DATA_PATH .. "/lspinstall/vue/node_modules/.bin/vls", }, } end M.format = function() vim.cmd "let proj = FindRootDirectory()" local root_dir = vim.api.nvim_get_var "proj" -- use the global formatter if you didn't find the local one local formatter_instance = root_dir .. "/node_modules/.bin/" .. O.lang.vue.formatter.exe if vim.fn.executable(formatter_instance) ~= 1 then formatter_instance = O.lang.vue.formatter.exe end local ft = vim.bo.filetype O.formatters.filetype[ft] = { function() local lv_utils = require "lv-utils" return { exe = formatter_instance, args = lv_utils.gsub_args(O.lang.vue.formatter.args), stdin = O.lang.vue.formatter.stdin, } end, } require("formatter.config").set_defaults { logging = false, filetype = O.formatters.filetype, } end M.lint = function() -- TODO: implement linters (if applicable) return "No linters configured!" end M.lsp = function() if require("lv-utils").check_lsp_client_active "vuels" then return end -- Vue language server configuration (vetur) require("lspconfig").vuels.setup { cmd = { O.lang.vue.lsp.path, "--stdio" }, on_attach = require("lsp").common_on_attach, } require("lsp.ts-fmt-lint").setup() end M.dap = function() -- TODO: implement dap return "No DAP configured!" end return M