local M = {} function M.config() local pallete = require "onedarker.palette" lvim.builtin.notify = { active = false, on_config_done = nil, -- TODO: update after https://github.com/rcarriga/nvim-notify/pull/24 opts = { ---@usage Animation style one of { "fade", "slide", "fade_in_slide_out", "static" } stages = "slide", ---@usage timeout for notifications in ms, default 5000 timeout = 5000, ---@usage highlight behind the window for stages that change opacity background_colour = pallete.fg, ---@usage Icons for the different levels icons = { ERROR = "", WARN = "", INFO = "", DEBUG = "", TRACE = "✎", }, }, } end M.params_injecter = function(_, entry) -- FIXME: this is currently getting ignored or is not passed correctly for key, value in pairs(lvim.builtin.notify.opts) do entry[key] = value end return entry end M.default_namer = function(logger, entry) entry["title"] = logger.name return entry end return M