# Nvim Mach 2 ![Nvim Mach 2 pic](./utils/images/nvim.png) ## Install in one command The following will install this config if you have an existing config it will move it to `~/.config/nvim.old` This script only supports Mac, Ubuntu and Arch ``` bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChristianChiarulli/nvim/master/utils/install.sh) ``` ## Install Neovim - On Mac ``` brew install neovim ``` - Ubuntu ``` sudo apt install neovim ``` - Arch ``` sudo pacman -S neovim ``` ## Clone this repo into your config ``` git clone https://github.com/ChristianChiarulli/nvim.git ~/.config/nvim ``` ## Install python & node support ``` pip install pynvim ``` ``` npm i -g neovim ``` ## Install clipboard support - On mac pbcopy should be builtin - On Ubuntu ``` sudo apt install xsel ``` - On Arch Linux ``` sudo pacman -S xsel ``` ## (Optional) Install python & node support using virtual environments Make sure to add these paths somewhere in your config ``` let g:python3_host_prog = expand("") let g:python3_host_prog = expand("~/.miniconda/envs/neovim/bin/python3.8") " <- example let g:node_host_prog = expand("") let g:node_host_prog = expand("~/.nvm/versions/node/v12.16.1/bin/neovim-node-host") " <- example ``` ## List of programs you should install - ranger - ueberzug - ripgrep - silver_searcher - fd - universal-ctags - lazy git - lazy docker Explanations and installation instruction can be found on my blog ## Language Servers Since CoC doesn't support all languages in there extensions I recommend installing some language servers from scratch and adding them to your `coc-settings.json` file Example: - bash `npm i -g bash-language-server` ``` "languageserver": { "bash": { "command": "bash-language-server", "args": ["start"], "filetypes": ["sh"], "ignoredRootPaths": ["~"] } } ``` ## TODO - People asked about vimwiki I kinda hate it but maybe I'll add it - float term lazy git - spectre, or async task/run - setup custom paths - install script envsubst is your friend - add better whitespace plugin and a toggle, video about clean code maybe - echodoc and buitin support with CoC - snippets (coc snippets) - git messenger - float term - neovide - setup global coc extensions to auto install ## VSCode integration We will be integrating with VSCode using [this](https://github.com/asvetliakov/vscode-neovim)