local M = {} local Log = require "lvim.core.log" --- Load the default set of autogroups and autocommands. function M.load_augroups() local user_config_file = require("lvim.config"):get_user_config_path() if vim.loop.os_uname().version:match "Windows" then -- autocmds require forward slashes even on windows user_config_file = user_config_file:gsub("\\", "/") end return { _general_settings = { { "FileType", "qf,help,man", "nnoremap q :close" }, { "TextYankPost", "*", "lua require('vim.highlight').on_yank({higroup = 'Search', timeout = 200})", }, { "BufWinEnter", "dashboard", "setlocal cursorline signcolumn=yes cursorcolumn number", }, { "BufWritePost", user_config_file, "lua require('lvim.config'):reload()" }, { "FileType", "qf", "set nobuflisted" }, -- { "VimLeavePre", "*", "set title set titleold=" }, }, _formatoptions = { { "BufWinEnter,BufRead,BufNewFile", "*", "setlocal formatoptions-=c formatoptions-=r formatoptions-=o", }, }, _filetypechanges = {}, _git = { { "FileType", "gitcommit", "setlocal wrap" }, { "FileType", "gitcommit", "setlocal spell" }, }, _markdown = { { "FileType", "markdown", "setlocal wrap" }, { "FileType", "markdown", "setlocal spell" }, }, _buffer_bindings = { { "FileType", "floaterm", "nnoremap q :q" }, }, _auto_resize = { -- will cause split windows to be resized evenly if main window is resized { "VimResized", "*", "tabdo wincmd =" }, }, _general_lsp = { { "FileType", "lspinfo,lsp-installer,null-ls-info", "nnoremap q :close" }, }, custom_groups = {}, } end local get_format_on_save_opts = function() local defaults = require("lvim.config.defaults").format_on_save -- accept a basic boolean `lvim.format_on_save=true` if type(lvim.format_on_save) ~= "table" then return defaults end return { pattern = lvim.format_on_save.pattern or defaults.pattern, timeout = lvim.format_on_save.timeout or defaults.timeout, } end function M.enable_format_on_save(opts) local fmd_cmd = string.format(":silent lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting_sync({}, %s)", opts.timeout) M.define_augroups { format_on_save = { { "BufWritePre", opts.pattern, fmd_cmd } }, } Log:debug "enabled format-on-save" end function M.disable_format_on_save() M.disable_augroup "format_on_save" Log:debug "disabled format-on-save" end function M.configure_format_on_save() if lvim.format_on_save then local opts = get_format_on_save_opts() M.enable_format_on_save(opts) else M.disable_format_on_save() end end function M.toggle_format_on_save() if vim.fn.exists "#format_on_save#BufWritePre" == 0 then local opts = get_format_on_save_opts() M.enable_format_on_save(opts) else M.disable_format_on_save() end end function M.enable_lsp_document_highlight(client_id) M.define_augroups({ lsp_document_highlight = { { "CursorHold", "", string.format("lua require('lvim.lsp.utils').conditional_document_highlight(%d)", client_id), }, { "CursorMoved", "", "lua vim.lsp.buf.clear_references()", }, }, }, true) end function M.disable_lsp_document_highlight() M.disable_augroup "lsp_document_highlight" end function M.enable_code_lens_refresh() M.define_augroups({ lsp_code_lens_refresh = { { "InsertLeave ", "", "lua vim.lsp.codelens.refresh()", }, { "InsertLeave ", "", "lua vim.lsp.codelens.display()", }, }, }, true) end function M.disable_code_lens_refresh() M.disable_augroup "lsp_code_lens_refresh" end function M.enable_transparent_mode() vim.cmd "au ColorScheme * hi Normal ctermbg=none guibg=none" vim.cmd "au ColorScheme * hi SignColumn ctermbg=none guibg=none" vim.cmd "au ColorScheme * hi NormalNC ctermbg=none guibg=none" vim.cmd "au ColorScheme * hi MsgArea ctermbg=none guibg=none" vim.cmd "au ColorScheme * hi TelescopeBorder ctermbg=none guibg=none" vim.cmd "au ColorScheme * hi NvimTreeNormal ctermbg=none guibg=none" vim.cmd "au ColorScheme * hi EndOfBuffer ctermbg=none guibg=none" vim.cmd "let &fcs='eob: '" end --- Disable autocommand groups if it exists --- This is more reliable than trying to delete the augroup itself ---@param name string the augroup name function M.disable_augroup(name) -- defer the function in case the autocommand is still in-use vim.schedule(function() if vim.fn.exists("#" .. name) == 1 then vim.cmd("augroup " .. name) vim.cmd "autocmd!" vim.cmd "augroup END" end end) end --- Create autocommand groups based on the passed definitions ---@param definitions table contains trigger, pattern and text. The key will be used as a group name ---@param buffer boolean indicate if the augroup should be local to the buffer function M.define_augroups(definitions, buffer) for group_name, definition in pairs(definitions) do vim.cmd("augroup " .. group_name) if buffer then vim.cmd [[autocmd! * ]] else vim.cmd [[autocmd!]] end for _, def in pairs(definition) do local command = table.concat(vim.tbl_flatten { "autocmd", def }, " ") vim.cmd(command) end vim.cmd "augroup END" end end return M