---@diagnostic disable: deprecated local M = {} local function deprecate(name, alternative) local in_headless = #vim.api.nvim_list_uis() == 0 if in_headless then return end alternative = alternative or "See https://github.com/LunarVim/LunarVim#breaking-changes" local trace = debug.getinfo(3, "Sl") local shorter_src = trace.short_src local t = shorter_src .. ":" .. (trace.currentline or trace.lastlinedefined) vim.schedule(function() vim.notify_once(string.format("%s: `%s` is deprecated.\n %s.", t, name, alternative), vim.log.levels.WARN) end) end function M.handle() local mt = { __newindex = function(_, k, _) deprecate(k) end, } ---@deprecated lvim.builtin.theme.options = {} setmetatable(lvim.builtin.theme.options, { __newindex = function(_, k, v) deprecate("lvim.builtin.theme.options." .. k, "Use `lvim.builtin.theme..options` instead") lvim.builtin.theme.tokyonight.options[k] = v end, }) ---@deprecated lvim.builtin.notify = {} setmetatable(lvim.builtin.notify, { __newindex = function(_, k, _) deprecate("lvim.builtin.notify." .. k, "See LunarVim#3294") end, }) ---@deprecated lvim.builtin.dashboard = {} setmetatable(lvim.builtin.dashboard, { __newindex = function(_, k, _) deprecate("lvim.builtin.dashboard." .. k, "Use `lvim.builtin.alpha` instead. See LunarVim#1906") end, }) ---@deprecated lvim.lsp.popup_border = {} setmetatable(lvim.lsp.popup_border, mt) ---@deprecated lvim.lang = {} setmetatable(lvim.lang, mt) end function M.post_load() if lvim.lsp.override and not vim.tbl_isempty(lvim.lsp.override) then deprecate("lvim.lsp.override", "Use `lvim.lsp.automatic_configuration.skipped_servers` instead") vim.tbl_map(function(c) if not vim.tbl_contains(lvim.lsp.automatic_configuration.skipped_servers, c) then table.insert(lvim.lsp.automatic_configuration.skipped_servers, c) end end, lvim.lsp.override) end if lvim.autocommands.custom_groups then deprecate( "lvim.autocommands.custom_groups", "Use vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd instead or check LunarVim#2592 to learn about the new syntax" ) end if lvim.lsp.automatic_servers_installation then deprecate( "lvim.lsp.automatic_servers_installation", "Use `lvim.lsp.installer.setup.automatic_installation` instead" ) end local function convert_spec_to_lazy(spec) local alternatives = { setup = "init", as = "name", opt = "lazy", run = "build", lock = "pin", tag = "version", } alternatives.requires = function() if type(spec.requires) == "string" then spec.dependencies = { spec.requires } else spec.dependencies = spec.requires end return "Use `dependencies` instead" end alternatives.disable = function() if type(spec.disabled) == "function" then spec.enabled = function() return not spec.disabled() end else spec.enabled = not spec.disabled end return "Use `enabled` instead" end alternatives.wants = function() return "It's not needed in most cases, otherwise use `dependencies`." end alternatives.needs = alternatives.wants alternatives.module = function() spec.lazy = true return "Use `lazy = true` instead." end for old_key, alternative in pairs(alternatives) do if spec[old_key] ~= nil then local message if type(alternative) == "function" then message = alternative() else spec[alternative] = spec[old_key] end spec[old_key] = nil message = message or string.format("Use `%s` instead.", alternative) deprecate( string.format("%s` in `lvim.plugins", old_key), message .. " See https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim#-migration-guide" ) end end if spec[1] and spec[1]:match "^http" then spec.url = spec[1] spec[1] = nil deprecate("{ 'http...' }` in `lvim.plugins", "Use { url = 'http...' } instead.") end end for _, plugin in ipairs(lvim.plugins) do if type(plugin) == "table" then convert_spec_to_lazy(plugin) end end end return M