local conditions = require "lvim.core.lualine.conditions" local colors = require "lvim.core.lualine.colors" local function diff_source() local gitsigns = vim.b.gitsigns_status_dict if gitsigns then return { added = gitsigns.added, modified = gitsigns.changed, removed = gitsigns.removed, } end end return { mode = { function() return " " end, padding = { left = 0, right = 0 }, color = {}, cond = nil, }, branch = { "b:gitsigns_head", icon = " ", color = { gui = "bold" }, cond = conditions.hide_in_width, }, filename = { "filename", color = {}, cond = nil, }, diff = { "diff", source = diff_source, symbols = { added = "  ", modified = " ", removed = " " }, diff_color = { added = { fg = colors.green }, modified = { fg = colors.yellow }, removed = { fg = colors.red }, }, cond = nil, }, python_env = { function() local utils = require "lvim.core.lualine.utils" if vim.bo.filetype == "python" then local venv = os.getenv "CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV" or os.getenv "VIRTUAL_ENV" if venv then return string.format("  (%s)", utils.env_cleanup(venv)) end end return "" end, color = { fg = colors.green }, cond = conditions.hide_in_width, }, diagnostics = { "diagnostics", sources = { "nvim_diagnostic" }, symbols = { error = " ", warn = " ", info = " ", hint = " " }, cond = conditions.hide_in_width, }, treesitter = { function() return "" end, color = function() local buf = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local ts = vim.treesitter.highlighter.active[buf] return { fg = ts and not vim.tbl_isempty(ts) and colors.green or colors.red } end, cond = conditions.hide_in_width, }, lsp = { function(msg) msg = msg or "LS Inactive" local buf_clients = vim.lsp.buf_get_clients() if next(buf_clients) == nil then -- TODO: clean up this if statement if type(msg) == "boolean" or #msg == 0 then return "LS Inactive" end return msg end local buf_ft = vim.bo.filetype local buf_client_names = {} -- add client for _, client in pairs(buf_clients) do if client.name ~= "null-ls" then table.insert(buf_client_names, client.name) end end -- add formatter local formatters = require "lvim.lsp.null-ls.formatters" local supported_formatters = formatters.list_registered(buf_ft) vim.list_extend(buf_client_names, supported_formatters) -- add linter local linters = require "lvim.lsp.null-ls.linters" local supported_linters = linters.list_registered(buf_ft) vim.list_extend(buf_client_names, supported_linters) local unique_client_names = vim.fn.uniq(buf_client_names) return "[" .. table.concat(unique_client_names, ", ") .. "]" end, color = { gui = "bold" }, cond = conditions.hide_in_width, }, location = { "location", cond = conditions.hide_in_width, color = {} }, progress = { "progress", cond = conditions.hide_in_width, color = {} }, spaces = { function() if not vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, "expandtab") then return "Tab size: " .. vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, "tabstop") .. " " end local size = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, "shiftwidth") if size == 0 then size = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, "tabstop") end return "Spaces: " .. size .. " " end, cond = conditions.hide_in_width, color = {}, }, encoding = { "o:encoding", fmt = string.upper, color = {}, cond = conditions.hide_in_width, }, filetype = { "filetype", cond = conditions.hide_in_width }, scrollbar = { function() local current_line = vim.fn.line "." local total_lines = vim.fn.line "$" local chars = { "__", "▁▁", "▂▂", "▃▃", "▄▄", "▅▅", "▆▆", "▇▇", "██" } local line_ratio = current_line / total_lines local index = math.ceil(line_ratio * #chars) return chars[index] end, padding = { left = 0, right = 0 }, color = { fg = colors.yellow, bg = colors.bg }, cond = nil, }, }