local a = require "plenary.async_lib.tests" a.describe("initial start", function() local uv = vim.loop local home_dir = uv.os_homedir() local lvim_config_path = get_config_dir() or home_dir .. "/.config/lvim" local lvim_runtime_path = get_runtime_dir() or home_dir .. "/.local/share/lunarvim" a.it("shoud be able to detect test environment", function() assert.truthy(os.getenv "LVIM_TEST_ENV") assert.falsy(package.loaded["lvim.impatient"]) end) a.it("should not be reading default neovim directories in the home directoies", function() local rtp_list = vim.opt.rtp:get() assert.falsy(vim.tbl_contains(rtp_list, vim.fn.stdpath "config")) end) a.it("should be able to read lunarvim directories", function() local rtp_list = vim.opt.rtp:get() assert.truthy(vim.tbl_contains(rtp_list, lvim_runtime_path .. "/lvim")) assert.truthy(vim.tbl_contains(rtp_list, lvim_config_path)) end) a.it("should be able to run treesitter without errors", function() assert.truthy(vim.treesitter.highlighter.active) end) a.it("should be able to pass basic checkhealth without errors", function() vim.cmd "checkhealth nvim" local errmsg = vim.fn.eval "v:errmsg" local exception = vim.fn.eval "v:exception" assert.equal("", errmsg) -- v:errmsg was not updated. assert.equal("", exception) end) end)