local M = {} function M.config() local lvim_dashboard = require "lvim.core.alpha.dashboard" local lvim_startify = require "lvim.core.alpha.startify" lvim.builtin.alpha = { dashboard = { config = {}, section = lvim_dashboard.get_sections(), opts = { autostart = true }, }, startify = { config = {}, section = lvim_startify.get_sections(), opts = { autostart = true }, }, active = true, mode = "dashboard", } end local function resolve_buttons(theme_name, button_section) if button_section.val and #button_section.val > 0 then return button_section.val end local selected_theme = require("alpha.themes." .. theme_name) local val = {} for _, entry in pairs(button_section.entries) do local on_press = function() local sc_ = entry[1]:gsub("%s", ""):gsub("SPC", "") local key = vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(sc_, true, false, true) vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(key, "normal", false) end local button_element = selected_theme.button(entry[1], entry[2], entry[3]) -- this became necessary after recent changes in alpha.nvim (06ade3a20ca9e79a7038b98d05a23d7b6c016174) button_element.on_press = on_press button_element.opts = vim.tbl_extend("force", button_element.opts, entry[4] or button_section.opts or {}) table.insert(val, button_element) end return val end local function resolve_config(theme_name) local selected_theme = require("alpha.themes." .. theme_name) local resolved_section = selected_theme.section local section = lvim.builtin.alpha[theme_name].section for name, el in pairs(section) do for k, v in pairs(el) do if name:match "buttons" and k == "entries" then resolved_section[name].val = resolve_buttons(theme_name, el) elseif v then resolved_section[name][k] = v end end resolved_section[name].opts = el.opts or {} end local opts = lvim.builtin.alpha[theme_name].opts or {} selected_theme.config.opts = vim.tbl_extend("force", selected_theme.config.opts, opts) return selected_theme.config end function M.setup() local status_ok, alpha = pcall(require, "alpha") if not status_ok then return end local mode = lvim.builtin.alpha.mode local config = lvim.builtin.alpha[mode].config -- this makes it easier to use a completely custom configuration if vim.tbl_isempty(config) then config = resolve_config(mode) end alpha.setup(config) end return M