local M = {} local Log = require "lvim.core.log" local in_headless = #vim.api.nvim_list_uis() == 0 function M.run_pre_update() Log:debug "Starting pre-update hook" end function M.run_pre_reload() Log:debug "Starting pre-reload hook" end function M.run_on_packer_complete() Log:debug "Packer operation complete" vim.api.nvim_exec_autocmds("User", { pattern = "PackerComplete" }) vim.g.colors_name = lvim.colorscheme pcall(vim.cmd, "colorscheme " .. lvim.colorscheme) if M._reload_triggered then Log:debug "Reloaded configuration" M._reload_triggered = nil end end function M.run_post_reload() Log:debug "Starting post-reload hook" M.reset_cache() M._reload_triggered = true end ---Reset any startup cache files used by Packer and Impatient ---It also forces regenerating any template ftplugin files ---Tip: Useful for clearing any outdated settings function M.reset_cache() local impatient = _G.__luacache if impatient then impatient.clear_cache() end local lvim_modules = {} for module, _ in pairs(package.loaded) do if module:match "lvim.core" or module:match "lvim.lsp" then package.loaded[module] = nil table.insert(lvim_modules, module) end end Log:trace(string.format("Cache invalidated for core modules: { %s }", table.concat(lvim_modules, ", "))) require("lvim.lsp.templates").generate_templates() end function M.run_post_update() Log:debug "Starting post-update hook" if vim.fn.has "nvim-0.7" ~= 1 then local compat_tag = "1.1.3" vim.notify( "Please upgrade your Neovim base installation. Newer version of Lunarvim requires v0.7+", vim.log.levels.WARN ) vim.wait(1000, function() return false end) local ret = require_clean("lvim.utils.git").switch_lvim_branch(compat_tag) if ret then vim.notify("Reverted to the last known compatibile version: " .. compat_tag, vim.log.levels.WARN) end return end M.reset_cache() Log:debug "Syncing core plugins" require("lvim.plugin-loader").sync_core_plugins() if not in_headless then vim.schedule(function() if package.loaded["nvim-treesitter"] then vim.cmd [[ TSUpdateSync ]] end -- TODO: add a changelog vim.notify("Update complete", vim.log.levels.INFO) end) end end return M