-- Make Ranger replace netrw and be the file explorer vim.g.rnvimr_ex_enable = 1 vim.g.rnvimr_draw_border = 1 -- Make Ranger to be hidden after picking a file vim.g.rnvimr_pick_enable = 1 -- Make Neovim to wipe the buffers corresponding to the files deleted by Ranger vim.g.rnvimr_bw_enable = 1 -- vim.cmd('nmap r :RnvimrToggle') --[[ let g:rnvimr_ranger_cmd = 'ranger --cmd="set column_ratios 1,1"' " \ --cmd="set draw_borders separators"' " let g:rnvimr_layout = { 'relative': 'editor', " \ 'width': float2nr(round(0.6 * &columns)), " \ 'height': float2nr(round(0.6 * &lines)), " \ 'col': float2nr(round(0.2 * &columns)), " \ 'row': float2nr(round(0.2 * &lines)), " \ 'style': 'minimal' } let g:rnvimr_presets = [ \ {'width': 0.800, 'height': 0.800}] ]]