local a = require "plenary.async_lib.tests" local config = require "lvim.config" a.describe("config-loader", function() local user_config_path = config:get_user_config_path() a.it("should be able to find user-config", function() assert.equal(user_config_path, get_config_dir() .. "/config.lua") end) a.it("should be able to load user-config without errors", function() config:load(user_config_path) local errmsg = vim.fn.eval "v:errmsg" local exception = vim.fn.eval "v:exception" assert.equal("", errmsg) -- v:errmsg was not updated. assert.equal("", exception) end) a.it("should be able to reload user-config without errors", function() config:load(user_config_path) local test_path = "/tmp/lvim" os.execute(string.format([[echo "vim.opt.undodir = '%s'" >> %s]], test_path, user_config_path)) config:reload() assert.equal(vim.opt.undodir:get()[1], test_path) end) a.it("should not get interrupted by errors in user-config", function() local test_path = "/tmp/lunarvim" os.execute(string.format([[echo "vim.opt.undodir = '%s'" >> %s]], test_path, user_config_path)) config:reload() assert.equal(vim.opt.undodir:get()[1], test_path) os.execute(string.format("echo 'bad_string_test' >> %s", user_config_path)) local error_handler = function(msg) return msg end local err = xpcall(config:reload(), error_handler) assert.falsy(err) assert.equal(vim.opt.undodir:get()[1], test_path) local errmsg = vim.fn.eval "v:errmsg" local exception = vim.fn.eval "v:exception" assert.equal("", errmsg) -- v:errmsg was not updated. assert.equal("", exception) os.execute(string.format("echo '' > %s", user_config_path)) end) end)