local M = {} local Log = require "lvim.core.log" local function find_root_dir() local util = require "lspconfig/util" local lsp_utils = require "lvim.lsp.utils" local ts_client = lsp_utils.is_client_active "typescript" if ts_client then return ts_client.config.root_dir end local dirname = vim.fn.expand "%:p:h" return util.root_pattern "package.json"(dirname) end local function from_node_modules(command) local root_dir = find_root_dir() if not root_dir then return nil end local join_paths = require("lvim.utils").join_paths return join_paths(root_dir, "node_modules", ".bin", command) end local local_providers = { prettier = { find = from_node_modules }, prettierd = { find = from_node_modules }, prettier_d_slim = { find = from_node_modules }, eslint_d = { find = from_node_modules }, eslint = { find = from_node_modules }, stylelint = { find = from_node_modules }, } function M.find_command(command) if local_providers[command] then local local_command = local_providers[command].find(command) if local_command and vim.fn.executable(local_command) == 1 then return local_command end end if command and vim.fn.executable(command) == 1 then return command end return nil end function M.list_registered_providers_names(filetype) local s = require "null-ls.sources" local available_sources = s.get_available(filetype) local registered = {} for _, source in ipairs(available_sources) do for method in pairs(source.methods) do registered[method] = registered[method] or {} table.insert(registered[method], source.name) end end return registered end function M.register_sources(configs, method) local null_ls = require "null-ls" local is_registered = require("null-ls.sources").is_registered local sources, registered_names = {}, {} for _, config in ipairs(configs) do local cmd = config.exe or config.command local name = config.name or cmd:gsub("-", "_") local type = method == null_ls.methods.CODE_ACTION and "code_actions" or null_ls.methods[method]:lower() local source = type and null_ls.builtins[type][name] Log:debug(string.format("Received request to register [%s] as a %s source", name, type)) if not source then Log:error("Not a valid source: " .. name) elseif is_registered { name = source.name or name, method = method } then Log:trace(string.format("Skipping registering [%s] more than once", name)) else local command = M.find_command(source._opts.command) or source._opts.command -- treat `args` as `extra_args` for backwards compatibility. Can otherwise use `generator_opts.args` local compat_opts = vim.deepcopy(config) if config.args then compat_opts.extra_args = config.args or config.extra_args compat_opts.args = nil end local opts = vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep", { command = command }, compat_opts) Log:debug("Registering source " .. name) Log:trace(vim.inspect(opts)) table.insert(sources, source.with(opts)) vim.list_extend(registered_names, { source.name }) end end if #sources > 0 then null_ls.register { sources = sources } end return registered_names end return M