--[[ O is the global options object Formatters and linters should be filled in as strings with either a global executable or a path to an executable ]] -- THESE ARE EXAMPLE CONFIGS FEEL FREE TO CHANGE TO WHATEVER YOU WANT -- general O.auto_complete = true O.colorscheme = 'lunar' O.auto_close_tree = 0 O.wrap_lines = false O.timeoutlen = 100 O.document_highlight = true O.extras = false O.leader_key = ' ' -- After changing plugin config it is recommended to run :PackerCompile O.plugin.hop.active = true O.plugin.dial.active = true O.plugin.dashboard.active = true O.plugin.matchup.active = true -- dashboard -- O.dashboard.custom_header = {""} -- O.dashboard.footer = {""} -- if you don't want all the parsers change this to a table of the ones you want O.treesitter.ensure_installed = "all" O.treesitter.ignore_install = {"haskell"} O.treesitter.highlight.enabled = true O.lang.clang.diagnostics.virtual_text = false O.lang.clang.diagnostics.signs = false O.lang.clang.diagnostics.underline = false -- python -- add things like O.python.formatter.yapf.exec_path -- add things like O.python.linter.flake8.exec_path -- add things like O.python.formatter.isort.exec_path O.lang.python.formatter = 'yapf' -- O.python.linter = 'flake8' O.lang.python.active = true O.lang.python.isort = true O.lang.python.autoformat = true O.lang.python.diagnostics.virtual_text = true O.lang.python.diagnostics.signs = true O.lang.python.diagnostics.underline = true O.lang.python.analysis.type_checking = "off" O.lang.python.analysis.auto_search_paths = true O.lang.python.analysis.use_library_code_types = true -- lua -- TODO look into stylua O.lang.lua.active = true O.lang.lua.formatter = 'lua-format' -- O.lua.formatter = 'lua-format' O.lang.lua.autoformat = false -- javascript O.lang.tsserver.formatter = 'prettier' O.lang.tsserver.linter = nil O.lang.tsserver.autoformat = true -- json O.lang.json.autoformat = true -- ruby O.lang.ruby.autoformat = true -- go O.lang.go.autoformat = true -- create custom autocommand field (This would be easy with lua) -- Turn off relative_numbers -- O.relative_number = false -- Turn off cursorline -- O.cursorline = false