local M = {} -- local Log = require "lvim.core.log" local icons = lvim.icons.kind M.config = function() lvim.builtin.breadcrumbs = { active = true, on_config_done = nil, winbar_filetype_exclude = { "help", "startify", "dashboard", "lazy", "neo-tree", "neogitstatus", "NvimTree", "Trouble", "alpha", "lir", "Outline", "spectre_panel", "toggleterm", "DressingSelect", "Jaq", "harpoon", "dap-repl", "dap-terminal", "dapui_console", "dapui_hover", "lab", "notify", "noice", "", }, options = { icons = { Array = icons.Array .. " ", Boolean = icons.Boolean, Class = icons.Class .. " ", Color = icons.Color .. " ", Constant = icons.Constant .. " ", Constructor = icons.Constructor .. " ", Enum = icons.Enum .. " ", EnumMember = icons.EnumMember .. " ", Event = icons.Event .. " ", Field = icons.Field .. " ", File = icons.File .. " ", Folder = icons.Folder .. " ", Function = icons.Function .. " ", Interface = icons.Interface .. " ", Key = icons.Key .. " ", Keyword = icons.Keyword .. " ", Method = icons.Method .. " ", Module = icons.Module .. " ", Namespace = icons.Namespace .. " ", Null = icons.Null .. " ", Number = icons.Number .. " ", Object = icons.Object .. " ", Operator = icons.Operator .. " ", Package = icons.Package .. " ", Property = icons.Property .. " ", Reference = icons.Reference .. " ", Snippet = icons.Snippet .. " ", String = icons.String .. " ", Struct = icons.Struct .. " ", Text = icons.Text .. " ", TypeParameter = icons.TypeParameter .. " ", Unit = icons.Unit .. " ", Value = icons.Value .. " ", Variable = icons.Variable .. " ", }, highlight = true, separator = " " .. lvim.icons.ui.ChevronRight .. " ", depth_limit = 0, depth_limit_indicator = "..", }, } end M.setup = function() local status_ok, navic = pcall(require, "nvim-navic") if not status_ok then return end M.create_winbar() navic.setup(lvim.builtin.breadcrumbs.options) if lvim.builtin.breadcrumbs.on_config_done then lvim.builtin.breadcrumbs.on_config_done() end end M.get_filename = function() local filename = vim.fn.expand "%:t" local extension = vim.fn.expand "%:e" local f = require "lvim.utils.functions" if not f.isempty(filename) then local file_icon, hl_group local devicons_ok, devicons = pcall(require, "nvim-web-devicons") if lvim.use_icons and devicons_ok then file_icon, hl_group = devicons.get_icon(filename, extension, { default = true }) if f.isempty(file_icon) then file_icon = lvim.icons.kind.File end else file_icon = "" hl_group = "Normal" end local buf_ft = vim.bo.filetype if buf_ft == "dapui_breakpoints" then file_icon = lvim.icons.ui.Bug end if buf_ft == "dapui_stacks" then file_icon = lvim.icons.ui.Stacks end if buf_ft == "dapui_scopes" then file_icon = lvim.icons.ui.Scopes end if buf_ft == "dapui_watches" then file_icon = lvim.icons.ui.Watches end -- if buf_ft == "dapui_console" then -- file_icon = lvim.icons.ui.DebugConsole -- end local navic_text = vim.api.nvim_get_hl_by_name("Normal", true) vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "Winbar", { fg = navic_text.foreground }) return " " .. "%#" .. hl_group .. "#" .. file_icon .. "%*" .. " " .. "%#Winbar#" .. filename .. "%*" end end local get_gps = function() local status_gps_ok, gps = pcall(require, "nvim-navic") if not status_gps_ok then return "" end local status_ok, gps_location = pcall(gps.get_location, {}) if not status_ok then return "" end if not gps.is_available() or gps_location == "error" then return "" end if not require("lvim.utils.functions").isempty(gps_location) then return "%#NavicSeparator#" .. lvim.icons.ui.ChevronRight .. "%* " .. gps_location else return "" end end local excludes = function() return vim.tbl_contains(lvim.builtin.breadcrumbs.winbar_filetype_exclude or {}, vim.bo.filetype) end M.get_winbar = function() if excludes() then return end local f = require "lvim.utils.functions" local value = M.get_filename() local gps_added = false if not f.isempty(value) then local gps_value = get_gps() value = value .. " " .. gps_value if not f.isempty(gps_value) then gps_added = true end end if not f.isempty(value) and f.get_buf_option "mod" then -- TODO: replace with circle local mod = "%#LspCodeLens#" .. lvim.icons.ui.Circle .. "%*" if gps_added then value = value .. " " .. mod else value = value .. mod end end local num_tabs = #vim.api.nvim_list_tabpages() if num_tabs > 1 and not f.isempty(value) then local tabpage_number = tostring(vim.api.nvim_tabpage_get_number(0)) value = value .. "%=" .. tabpage_number .. "/" .. tostring(num_tabs) end local status_ok, _ = pcall(vim.api.nvim_set_option_value, "winbar", value, { scope = "local" }) if not status_ok then return end end M.create_winbar = function() vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("_winbar", {}) if vim.fn.has "nvim-0.8" == 1 then vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "CursorHoldI", "CursorHold", "BufWinEnter", "BufFilePost", "InsertEnter", "BufWritePost", "TabClosed", "TabEnter", }, { group = "_winbar", callback = function() if lvim.builtin.breadcrumbs.active then local status_ok, _ = pcall(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_var, 0, "lsp_floating_window") if not status_ok then -- TODO: require("lvim.core.breadcrumbs").get_winbar() end end end, }) end end return M