let g:far#source='rgnvim' " let g:far#source='rg' " let g:far#source='vimgrep' " let g:far#source='ag' set lazyredraw " improve scrolling performance when navigating through large results let g:far#window_width=40 " Use %:p with buffer option only let g:far#file_mask_favorites=['%:p', '**/*.*', '**/*.js', '**/*.py', '**/*.java', '**/*.css', '**/*.html', '**/*.vim', '**/*.cpp', '**/*.c', '**/*.h', ] let g:far#window_min_content_width=30 let g:far#enable_undo=1 " let g:far#ignore_files=['$HOME/.config/nvim/utils/farignore'] " let g:far#ignore_files=['node_modules/'] " Below are the default mappings and corresponding variable names in " x v_x - Exclude item under the cursor. " i v_i - Include item under the cursor. " t v_t - Toggle item exclusion under the cursor. " f v_f - Smartly toggle item exclusion under the cursor: exclude all items when all are excluded, otherwise exclude all items. " X - Exclude all items. " I - Include all items. " T - Toggle exclusion for all items. " F - Smartly toggle exclusion for all items: include all items when all are excluded, otherwise exclude all items. " - Jump to the source code of the item under the cursor. See |far-jump| " p - Open preview window (if not) and scroll to the item under the cursor. See |far-preview| " P - Close preview window. See |far-preview| " CTRL-K - Scroll preview window up (if open). See |far-preview|, |g:far#preview_window_scroll_step| " CTRL-J - Scroll preview window down (if open). See |far-preview|, |g:far#preview_window_scroll_step| " zo - Expand node under the cursor. " zc - Collapse node under the cursor. " za - Toggle node expanding under the cursor. " zs - Smartly toggle exclusion for all nodes: expand all nodes when all are collapsed, otherwise collapse all nodes. " zr v_zr - Expand all nodes. " zm v_zm - Collapse all nodes. " zA v_zA - Toggle exclusion for all nodes. " zS v_zS - Smartly toggle exclusion for all nodes: expand all nodes when all are collapsed, otherwise collapse all nodes. " s v_s - Execute |:Fardo|, to replace all included items. " u v_s - Execute |:Farundo|, to undo the last replacement by |:Fardo|. " U v_U - Execute |:Farundo| --all=1, to undo all replacements by |:Fardo|. For param '--all=' see |farundo-params|. " q v_q - Close searching result buffer and its preview buffer (if exists)