#Requires -Version 7.1 $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" # exit when command fails # set script variables $LV_BRANCH = $LV_BRANCH ?? "rolling" $LV_REMOTE = $LV_REMOTE ?? "lunarvim/lunarvim.git" $INSTALL_PREFIX = $INSTALL_PREFIX ?? "$HOME\.local" $env:XDG_DATA_HOME = $env:XDG_DATA_HOME ?? $env:APPDATA $env:XDG_CONFIG_HOME = $env:XDG_CONFIG_HOME ?? $env:LOCALAPPDATA $env:XDG_CACHE_HOME = $env:XDG_CACHE_HOME ?? $env:TEMP $env:LUNARVIM_RUNTIME_DIR = $env:LUNARVIM_RUNTIME_DIR ?? "$env:XDG_DATA_HOME\lunarvim" $env:LUNARVIM_CONFIG_DIR = $env:LUNARVIM_CONFIG_DIR ?? "$env:XDG_CONFIG_HOME\lvim" $env:LUNARVIM_CACHE_DIR = $env:LUNARVIM_CACHE_DIR ?? "$env:XDG_CACHE_HOME\lvim" $env:LUNARVIM_BASE_DIR = $env:LUNARVIM_BASE_DIR ?? "$env:LUNARVIM_RUNTIME_DIR\lvim" $__lvim_dirs = ( $env:LUNARVIM_BASE_DIR, $env:LUNARVIM_RUNTIME_DIR, $env:LUNARVIM_CONFIG_DIR, $env:LUNARVIM_CACHE_DIR ) function __add_separator($div_width) { "-" * $div_width Write-Output "" } function msg($text){ Write-Output $text __add_separator "80" } function main($cliargs) { print_logo verify_lvim_dirs if ($cliargs.Contains("--overwrite")) { Write-Output "!!Warning!! -> Removing all lunarvim related config because of the --overwrite flag" $answer = Read-Host "Would you like to continue? [y]es or [n]o " if ("$answer" -ne "y" -and "$answer" -ne "Y") { exit 1 } uninstall_lvim } if ($cliargs.Contains("--local") -or $cliargs.Contains("--testing")) { msg "Using local LunarVim installation" local_install exit } msg "Checking dependencies.." check_system_deps $answer = Read-Host "Would you like to check lunarvim's NodeJS dependencies? [y]es or [n]o (default: no) " if ("$answer" -eq "y" -or "$answer" -eq "Y") { install_nodejs_deps } $answer = Read-Host "Would you like to check lunarvim's Python dependencies? [y]es or [n]o (default: no) " if ("$answer" -eq "y" -or "$answer" -eq "Y") { install_python_deps } if (Test-Path "$env:LUNARVIM_BASE_DIR\init.lua" ) { msg "Updating LunarVim" validate_lunarvim_files } else { msg "Cloning Lunarvim" clone_lvim setup_lvim } } function print_missing_dep_msg($dep) { Write-Output "[ERROR]: Unable to find dependency [$dep]" Write-Output "Please install it first and re-run the installer." } $winget_package_matrix=@{"git" = "Git.Git"; "nvim" = "nvim.nvim"; "make" = "GnuWin32.Make"; "node" = "OpenJS.NodeJS"; "pip" = "Python.Python.3"} $scoop_package_matrix=@{"git" = "git"; "nvim" = "neovim-nightly"; "make" = "make"; "node" = "nodejs"; "pip" = "python3"} function install_system_package($dep) { if (Get-Command -Name "winget" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Write-Output "Attempting to install dependency [$dep] with winget" $install_cmd = "winget install --interactive $winget_package_matrix[$dep]" } elseif (Get-Command -Name "scoop" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Write-Output "Attempting to install dependency [$dep] with scoop" # TODO: check if it's fine to not run it with --global $install_cmd = "scoop install $scoop_package_matrix[$dep]" } else { print_missing_dep_msg "$dep" exit 1 } try { Invoke-Command $install_cmd -ErrorAction Stop } catch { print_missing_dep_msg "$dep" exit 1 } } function check_system_dep($dep) { try { Get-Command -Name $dep -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } catch { install_system_package "$dep" } } function check_system_deps() { check_system_dep "git" check_system_dep "nvim" check_system_dep "make" } function install_nodejs_deps() { $dep = "node" try { check_system_dep "$dep" Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { npm install --global neovim tree-sitter-cli } -ErrorAction Break } catch { print_missing_dep_msg "$dep" } } function install_python_deps() { $dep = "pip" try { check_system_dep "$dep" Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { python -m pip install --user pynvim } -ErrorAction Break } catch { print_missing_dep_msg "$dep" } } function backup_old_config() { $src = "$env:LUNARVIM_CONFIG_DIR" if (Test-Path $src) { New-Item "$src.old" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null Copy-Item -Force -Recurse "$src\*" "$src.old\." | Out-Null } msg "Backup operation complete" } function local_install() { verify_lvim_dirs $repoDir = git rev-parse --show-toplevel $gitLocalCloneCmd = git clone --progress "$repoDir" "$env:LUNARVIM_BASE_DIR" Invoke-Command -ErrorAction Stop -ScriptBlock { $gitLocalCloneCmd; setup_lvim } } function clone_lvim() { try { $gitCloneCmd = git clone --progress --depth 1 --branch "$LV_BRANCH" ` "https://github.com/$LV_REMOTE" ` "$env:LUNARVIM_BASE_DIR" Invoke-Command -ErrorAction Stop -ScriptBlock { $gitCloneCmd } } catch { msg "Failed to clone repository. Installation failed." exit 1 } } function setup_shim() { if ((Test-Path "$INSTALL_PREFIX\bin") -eq $false) { New-Item "$INSTALL_PREFIX\bin" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null } Copy-Item -Force "$env:LUNARVIM_BASE_DIR\utils\bin\lvim.ps1" "$INSTALL_PREFIX\bin\lvim.ps1" } function uninstall_lvim() { foreach ($dir in $__lvim_dirs) { if (Test-Path "$dir") { Remove-Item -Force -Recurse "$dir" } } } function verify_lvim_dirs() { foreach ($dir in $__lvim_dirs) { if ((Test-Path "$dir") -eq $false) { New-Item "$dir" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null } } backup_old_config } function setup_lvim() { msg "Installing LunarVim shim" setup_shim msg "Installing sample configuration" if (Test-Path "$env:LUNARVIM_CONFIG_DIR\config.lua") { Move-Item "$env:LUNARVIM_CONFIG_DIR\config.lua" "$env:LUNARVIM_CONFIG_DIR\config.lua.old" } New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$env:LUNARVIM_CONFIG_DIR\config.lua" | Out-Null $exampleConfig = "$env:LUNARVIM_BASE_DIR\utils\installer\config_win.example.lua" Copy-Item -Force "$exampleConfig" "$env:LUNARVIM_CONFIG_DIR\config.lua" # FIXME: this has never worked # Invoke-Expression "$INSTALL_PREFIX\bin\lvim.ps1 --headless -c 'autocmd User PackerComplete quitall' -c 'PackerSync'" Write-Host "Make sure to run `:PackerSync` at first launch" -ForegroundColor Green create_alias msg "Thank you for installing LunarVim!!" Write-Output "You can start it by running: $INSTALL_PREFIX\bin\lvim.ps1" Write-Output "Do not forget to use a font with glyphs (icons) support [https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts]" } function validate_lunarvim_files() { Set-Alias lvim "$INSTALL_PREFIX\bin\lvim.ps1" try { $verify_version_cmd='if v:errmsg != "" | cquit | else | quit | endif' Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { lvim --headless -c 'LvimUpdate' -c "$verify_version_cmd" } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } catch { Write-Output "Unable to guarantee data integrity while updating. Please run `:LvimUpdate` manually instead." exit 1 } Write-Output "Your LunarVim installation is now up to date!" } function create_alias { try { $answer = Read-Host $(` "Would you like to create an alias inside your Powershell profile?`n" + ` "(This enables you to start lvim with the command 'lvim') [y]es or [n]o (default: no)" ) } catch { msg "Non-interactive mode detected. Skipping alias creation" return } if ("$answer" -ne "y" -or "$answer" -ne "Y") { return } $lvim_bin="$INSTALL_PREFIX\bin\lvim.ps1" $lvim_alias = Get-Alias lvim -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($lvim_alias.Definition -eq $lvim_bin) { Write-Output "Alias is already set and will not be reset." return } Add-Content -Path $PROFILE -Value $("Set-Alias lvim $lvim_bin") Write-Host 'To use the new alias in this window reload your profile with: `. $PROFILE`' -ForegroundColor Green } function print_logo(){ Write-Output " 88\ 88\ 88 | \__| 88 |88\ 88\ 888888$\ 888888\ 888888\ 88\ 88\ 88\ 888888\8888\ 88 |88 | 88 |88 __88\ \____88\ 88 __88\\88\ 88 |88 |88 _88 _88\ 88 |88 | 88 |88 | 88 | 888888$ |88 | \__|\88\88 / 88 |88 / 88 / 88 | 88 |88 | 88 |88 | 88 |88 __88 |88 | \88$ / 88 |88 | 88 | 88 | 88 |\888888 |88 | 88 |\888888$ |88 | \$ / 88 |88 | 88 | 88 | \__| \______/ \__| \__| \_______|\__| \_/ \__|\__| \__| \__| " } main "$args"