local M = {} if vim.fn.has "nvim-0.10" ~= 1 then vim.notify("Please upgrade your Neovim base installation. Lunarvim requires v0.10+", vim.log.levels.WARN) vim.wait(5000, function() ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: redundant-return-value return false end) vim.cmd "cquit" end local uv = vim.loop local path_sep = uv.os_uname().version:match "Windows" and "\\" or "/" ---Join path segments that were passed as input ---@return string function _G.join_paths(...) local result = table.concat({ ... }, path_sep) return result end _G.require_clean = require("lvim.utils.modules").require_clean _G.require_safe = require("lvim.utils.modules").require_safe _G.reload = require("lvim.utils.modules").reload ---Get the full path to `$LUNARVIM_RUNTIME_DIR` ---@return string|nil function _G.get_runtime_dir() local lvim_runtime_dir = os.getenv "LUNARVIM_RUNTIME_DIR" if not lvim_runtime_dir then -- when nvim is used directly return vim.call("stdpath", "data") end return lvim_runtime_dir end ---Get the full path to `$LUNARVIM_CONFIG_DIR` ---@return string|nil function _G.get_config_dir() local lvim_config_dir = os.getenv "LUNARVIM_CONFIG_DIR" if not lvim_config_dir then return vim.call("stdpath", "config") end return lvim_config_dir end ---Get the full path to `$LUNARVIM_CACHE_DIR` ---@return string|nil function _G.get_cache_dir() local lvim_cache_dir = os.getenv "LUNARVIM_CACHE_DIR" if not lvim_cache_dir then return vim.call("stdpath", "cache") end return lvim_cache_dir end ---Initialize the `&runtimepath` variables and prepare for startup ---@return table function M:init(base_dir) self.runtime_dir = get_runtime_dir() self.config_dir = get_config_dir() self.cache_dir = get_cache_dir() self.pack_dir = join_paths(self.runtime_dir, "site", "pack") self.lazy_install_dir = join_paths(self.pack_dir, "lazy", "opt", "lazy.nvim") ---@meta overridden to use LUNARVIM_CACHE_DIR instead, since a lot of plugins call this function internally ---NOTE: changes to "data" are currently unstable, see #2507 ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: duplicate-set-field vim.fn.stdpath = function(what) if what == "cache" then return _G.get_cache_dir() end return vim.call("stdpath", what) end ---Get the full path to LunarVim's base directory ---@return string function _G.get_lvim_base_dir() return base_dir end if os.getenv "LUNARVIM_RUNTIME_DIR" then vim.opt.rtp:remove(join_paths(vim.call("stdpath", "data"), "site")) vim.opt.rtp:remove(join_paths(vim.call("stdpath", "data"), "site", "after")) -- vim.opt.rtp:prepend(join_paths(self.runtime_dir, "site")) vim.opt.rtp:append(join_paths(self.runtime_dir, "lvim", "after")) vim.opt.rtp:append(join_paths(self.runtime_dir, "site", "after")) vim.opt.rtp:remove(vim.call("stdpath", "config")) vim.opt.rtp:remove(join_paths(vim.call("stdpath", "config"), "after")) vim.opt.rtp:prepend(self.config_dir) vim.opt.rtp:append(join_paths(self.config_dir, "after")) vim.opt.packpath = vim.opt.rtp:get() end require("lvim.plugin-loader").init { package_root = self.pack_dir, install_path = self.lazy_install_dir, } require("lvim.config"):init() require("lvim.core.mason").bootstrap() return self end ---Update LunarVim ---pulls the latest changes from github and, resets the startup cache function M:update() require("lvim.core.log"):info "Trying to update LunarVim..." vim.schedule(function() reload("lvim.utils.hooks").run_pre_update() local ret = reload("lvim.utils.git").update_base_lvim() if ret then reload("lvim.utils.hooks").run_post_update() end end) end return M