-- if not package.loaded['nvim-treesitter'] then -- return -- end require("nvim-treesitter.configs").setup { ensure_installed = O.treesitter.ensure_installed, -- one of "all", "maintained" (parsers with maintainers), or a list of languages ignore_install = O.treesitter.ignore_install, matchup = { enable = true, -- mandatory, false will disable the whole extension -- disable = { "c", "ruby" }, -- optional, list of language that will be disabled }, highlight = { enable = O.treesitter.highlight.enabled, -- false will disable the whole extension }, context_commentstring = { enable = O.plugin.ts_context_commentstring, config = { css = "// %s" } }, -- indent = {enable = true, disable = {"python", "html", "javascript"}}, -- TODO seems to be broken indent = { enable = { "javascriptreact" } }, autotag = { enable = true }, playground = { enable = O.plugin.ts_playground.active, disable = {}, updatetime = 25, -- Debounced time for highlighting nodes in the playground from source code persist_queries = false, -- Whether the query persists across vim sessions keybindings = { toggle_query_editor = "o", toggle_hl_groups = "i", toggle_injected_languages = "t", toggle_anonymous_nodes = "a", toggle_language_display = "I", focus_language = "f", unfocus_language = "F", update = "R", goto_node = "", show_help = "?", }, }, }