-- TODO when autocommands are better in lua, scope these to plugins and langs local utils = require('lv-utils') local auto_formatters = {} if O.lang.python.active then local python_autoformat = { 'BufWritePre', '*.py', 'lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting_sync(nil, 1000)' } if O.lang.python.autoformat then table.insert(auto_formatters, python_autoformat) end end if O.lang.tsserver.active then local javascript_autoformat = { 'BufWritePre', '*.js', 'lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting_sync(nil, 1000)' } local javascriptreact_autoformat = { 'BufWritePre', '*.jsx', 'lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting_sync(nil, 1000)' } local typescript_autoformat = { 'BufWritePre', '*.ts', 'lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting_sync(nil, 1000)' } local typescriptreact_autoformat = { 'BufWritePre', '*.tsx', 'lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting_sync(nil, 1000)' } if O.lang.tsserver.autoformat then table.insert(auto_formatters, javascript_autoformat) table.insert(auto_formatters, javascriptreact_autoformat) table.insert(auto_formatters, typescript_autoformat) table.insert(auto_formatters, typescriptreact_autoformat) end end if O.lang.lua.active then local lua_format = { 'BufWritePre', '*.lua', 'lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting_sync(nil, 1000)' } if O.lang.lua.autoformat then table.insert(auto_formatters, lua_format) end end if O.lang.json.active then local json_format = { 'BufWritePre', '*.json', 'lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting_sync(nil, 1000)' } if O.lang.json.autoformat then table.insert(auto_formatters, json_format) end end if O.lang.ruby.active then local ruby_format = { 'BufWritePre', '*.rb', 'lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting_sync(nil,1000)' } if O.lang.ruby.autoformat then table.insert(auto_formatters, ruby_format) end end if O.lang.go.active then local go_format = { 'BufWritePre', '*.go', 'lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting_sync(nil,1000)' } if O.lang.go.autoformat then table.insert(auto_formatters, go_format) end end if O.lang.rust.active then local rust_format = { 'BufWritePre', '*.rs', 'lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting_sync(nil,1000)' } if O.lang.rust.autoformat then table.insert(auto_formatters, rust_format) end end utils.define_augroups({ _general_settings = { { 'TextYankPost', '*', 'lua require(\'vim.highlight\').on_yank({higroup = \'Search\', timeout = 200})' }, { 'BufWinEnter', '*', 'setlocal formatoptions-=c formatoptions-=r formatoptions-=o' }, { 'BufRead', '*', 'setlocal formatoptions-=c formatoptions-=r formatoptions-=o' }, { 'BufNewFile', '*', 'setlocal formatoptions-=c formatoptions-=r formatoptions-=o' }, {'VimLeavePre', '*', 'set title set titleold='}, {'FileType', 'qf', 'set nobuflisted'}, -- {'BufWinEnter', 'lv-config.lua', 'PackerCompile'}, -- {'BufWinLeave', 'lv-config.lua', 'PackerCompile'}, -- {'BufWritePost', 'lv-config.lua', 'PackerCompile'} -- {'User', 'GoyoLeave', 'lua require(\'galaxyline\').disable_galaxyline()'}, -- {'User', 'GoyoEnter', 'lua require(\'galaxyline\').galaxyline_augroup()'}, }, _java = { -- {'FileType', 'java', 'luafile '..CONFIG_PATH..'/lua/lsp/java-ls.lua'}, { 'FileType', 'java', 'nnoremap ca lua require(\'jdtls\').code_action()' } }, _go = { -- Go generally requires Tabs instead of spaces. {'FileType', 'go', 'setlocal tabstop=4'}, {'FileType', 'go', 'setlocal shiftwidth=4'}, {'FileType', 'go', 'setlocal softtabstop=4'}, {'FileType', 'go', 'setlocal noexpandtab'} }, _dashboard = { -- seems to be nobuflisted that makes my stuff disapear will do more testing { 'FileType', 'dashboard', 'setlocal nocursorline noswapfile synmaxcol& signcolumn=no norelativenumber nocursorcolumn nospell nolist nonumber bufhidden=wipe colorcolumn= foldcolumn=0 matchpairs= ' }, { 'FileType', 'dashboard', 'set showtabline=0 | autocmd BufLeave set showtabline=2' } }, _markdown = { {'FileType', 'markdown', 'setlocal wrap'}, {'FileType', 'markdown', 'setlocal spell'} }, -- _solidity = { -- {'BufWinEnter', '.sol', 'setlocal filetype=solidity'}, {'BufRead', '*.sol', 'setlocal filetype=solidity'}, -- {'BufNewFile', '*.sol', 'setlocal filetype=solidity'} -- }, -- _gemini = { -- {'BufWinEnter', '.gmi', 'setlocal filetype=markdown'}, {'BufRead', '*.gmi', 'setlocal filetype=markdown'}, -- {'BufNewFile', '*.gmi', 'setlocal filetype=markdown'} -- }, _buffer_bindings = { {'FileType', 'dashboard', 'nnoremap q :q'}, {'FileType', 'lspinfo', 'nnoremap q :q'}, {'FileType', 'floaterm', 'nnoremap q :q'} }, _auto_formatters = auto_formatters })