#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu pipefall declare -r INSTALL_DIR="$PWD/utils" declare -r RELEASE="0.10.0" declare -r OS="linux" # declare -r OS="$(uname -s)" declare -r FILENAME="stylua-$RELEASE-$OS" declare -a __deps=("curl" "unzip") function check_deps() { for dep in "${__deps[@]}"; do if ! command -v "$dep" >/dev/null; then echo "Missing depdendecy!" echo "The \"$dep\" command was not found!. Please install and try again." fi done } function download_stylua() { local DOWNLOAD_DIR local URL="https://github.com/JohnnyMorganz/StyLua/releases/download/v$RELEASE/$FILENAME.zip" DOWNLOAD_DIR="$(mktemp -d)" echo "Initiating download for Stylua v$RELEASE" if ! curl --progress-bar --fail -L "$URL" -o "$DOWNLOAD_DIR/$FILENAME.zip"; then echo "Download failed. Check that the release/filename are correct." exit 1 fi echo "Installation in progress.." unzip -q "$DOWNLOAD_DIR/$FILENAME.zip" -d "$DOWNLOAD_DIR" if [ -f "$DOWNLOAD_DIR/stylua" ]; then mv "$DOWNLOAD_DIR/stylua" "$INSTALL_DIR/stylua" else mv "$DOWNLOAD_DIR/$FILENAME/stylua" "$INSTALL_DIR/." fi chmod u+x "$INSTALL_DIR/stylua" } function verify_install() { echo "Verifying installation.." local DOWNLOADED_VER DOWNLOADED_VER="$("$INSTALL_DIR/stylua" -V | awk '{ print $2 }')" if [ "$DOWNLOADED_VER" != "$RELEASE" ]; then echo "Mismatched version!" echo "Expected: v$RELEASE but got v$DOWNLOADED_VER" exit 1 fi echo "Verification complete!" } function main() { check_deps download_stylua verify_install } main "$@"