local M = {} local u = require "utils" local null_ls = require "null-ls" local nodejs_local_providers = { "prettier", "prettierd", "prettier_d_slim", "eslint_d", "eslint" } M.requested_providers = {} function M.get_registered_providers_by_filetype(ft) local matches = {} for _, provider in pairs(M.requested_providers) do if vim.tbl_contains(provider.filetypes, ft) then local provider_name = provider.name -- special case: show "eslint_d" instead of eslint -- https://github.com/jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim/blob/9b8458bd1648e84169a7e8638091ba15c2f20fc0/doc/BUILTINS.md#eslint if string.find(provider._opts.command, "eslint_d") then provider_name = "eslint_d" end table.insert(matches, provider_name) end end return matches end local function validate_nodejs_provider(provider) local command_path local root_dir if lvim.builtin.rooter.active then --- use vim-rooter to set root_dir vim.cmd "let root_dir = FindRootDirectory()" root_dir = vim.api.nvim_get_var "root_dir" else --- use LSP to set root_dir local ts_client = require("utils").get_active_client_by_ft "typescript" if ts_client == nil then u.lvim_log "Unable to determine root directory since tsserver didn't start correctly" return end root_dir = ts_client.config.root_dir end local local_nodejs_command = root_dir .. "/node_modules/.bin/" .. provider._opts.command u.lvim_log(string.format("checking [%s] for local node module: [%s]", local_nodejs_command, vim.inspect(provider))) if vim.fn.executable(local_nodejs_command) == 1 then command_path = local_nodejs_command elseif vim.fn.executable(provider._opts.command) == 1 then u.lvim_log(string.format("checking in global path instead for node module: [%s]", provider._opts.command)) command_path = provider._opts.command else u.lvim_log(string.format("Unable to find node module: [%s]", provider._opts.command)) end return command_path end local function validate_provider_request(provider) if provider == "" or provider == nil then return end -- NOTE: we can't use provider.name because eslint_d uses eslint name if vim.tbl_contains(nodejs_local_providers, provider._opts.command) then return validate_nodejs_provider(provider) end if vim.fn.executable(provider._opts.command) ~= 1 then u.lvim_log(string.format("Unable to find the path for: [%s]", vim.inspect(provider))) return end return provider._opts.command end -- TODO: for linters and formatters with spaces and '-' replace with '_' function M.setup(filetype) for _, formatter in pairs(lvim.lang[filetype].formatters) do local builtin_formatter = null_ls.builtins.formatting[formatter.exe] if not vim.tbl_contains(M.requested_providers, builtin_formatter) then -- FIXME: why doesn't this work? -- builtin_formatter._opts.args = formatter.args or builtin_formatter._opts.args -- builtin_formatter._opts.to_stdin = formatter.stdin or builtin_formatter._opts.to_stdin local resolved_path = validate_provider_request(builtin_formatter) if resolved_path then builtin_formatter._opts.command = resolved_path table.insert(M.requested_providers, builtin_formatter) u.lvim_log(string.format("Using format provider: [%s]", builtin_formatter.name)) end end end for _, linter in pairs(lvim.lang[filetype].linters) do local builtin_diagnoser = null_ls.builtins.diagnostics[linter.exe] -- special case: fallback to "eslint" -- https://github.com/jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim/blob/9b8458bd1648e84169a7e8638091ba15c2f20fc0/doc/BUILTINS.md#eslint -- if provider.exe if linter.exe == "eslint_d" then builtin_diagnoser = null_ls.builtins.diagnostics.eslint.with { command = "eslint_d" } end if not vim.tbl_contains(M.requested_providers, builtin_diagnoser) then -- FIXME: why doesn't this work? -- builtin_diagnoser._opts.args = linter.args or builtin_diagnoser._opts.args -- builtin_diagnoser._opts.to_stdin = linter.stdin or builtin_diagnoser._opts.to_stdin local resolved_path = validate_provider_request(builtin_diagnoser) if resolved_path then builtin_diagnoser._opts.command = resolved_path table.insert(M.requested_providers, builtin_diagnoser) u.lvim_log(string.format("Using linter provider: [%s]", builtin_diagnoser.name)) end end end null_ls.register { sources = M.requested_providers } end return M