![NVCode Logo](./utils/media/nvcode_logo.png) ![NVCode Demo](./utils/media/demo.png) If you are looking for my old configs checkout the two snapshot branches on this repo, there is one for CoC and one for Native LSP ## Install In One Command! ```bash bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChristianChiarulli/nvim/master/utils/installer/install.sh) ``` ## Get the latest version of Neovim ``` bash cd ~ sudo rm -r neovim git clone https://github.com/neovim/neovim cd neovim sudo make CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release install cd ~ sudo rm -r neovim ``` ## VSCode support After installing the [Neovim extension](https://github.com/asvetliakov/vscode-neovim) in VSCode I recommend using this alongside the VSCode [which-key](https://github.com/VSpaceCode/vscode-which-key) extension You will also need `settings.json` and `keybindings.json` which can be found in utils/vscode\_config Point the nvim path to your `nvim` binary Point your `init.vim` path to: ``` vim $HOME/.config/nvim/vimscript/nv-vscode/init.vim ``` ## Clipboard Support - On Mac `pbcopy` should be built-in - Ubuntu ```bash sudo apt install xsel ``` - Arch ```bash sudo pacman -S xsel ``` ## LSP To install a supported language server: ``` :LspInstall ``` For a more in depth LSP support: [link](https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig/blob/master/CONFIG.md) ## efm server is slow on close Install the latest with: ``` bash go get github.com/mattn/efm-langserver@HEAD ``` ## Useful Programs ``` bash ranger ueberzug fd ripgrep jq fzf lazygit lazydocker ncdu pynvim neovim-remote ``` ## Formatters and Linters **Python** ``` bash pip3 install --user flake8 pip3 install --user yapf ``` **Lua** ``` bash luarocks install --server=https://luarocks.org/dev luaformatter ``` **Yaml, Json, Javascript, HTML, CSS** ``` bash npm install -g prettier ``` **Markdown** ``` bash pandoc ``` ## Vim Gists To use vim-gists you will need to configure the following: ``` bash git config --global github.user ``` ## Snippets If you are looking for snippets checkout this github topic: [Snippet Topic](https://github.com/topics/vscode-snippets) ## De-bugging To set up your particular debugger, look here: [link](https://github.com/mfussenegger/nvim-dap/wiki/Debug-Adapter-installation) ## TODO **HIGH PRIORITY** - better install script, simple install just support `~/.config/nvim` path - add badges to readme **LOW PRIORITY** - move to ultisnips - Implement what I can from this java config: [link](https://github.com/mfussenegger/nvim-jdtls/wiki/Sample-Configurations) - better ui for code actions - formatting - setup junit tests for java - look into auto-install lsp - json config file (luajson) - get logo - look into emmet-ls - toggle virtual text diagnostics - configure neogit - list all binaries needed for functionality - html snippets in react (maybe) - configure kshenoy/vim-signature - vim ult test - what is `fzy` - https://github.com/pwntester/octo.nvim - configure surround **PLUGIN BUGS** - finding files from dashboard sometimes number not set - better auto-import (jsx) - keep and eye on indent guides plugin for thin lines