-- 1. get the config for this server from nvim-lspconfig and adjust the cmd path. -- relative paths are allowed, lspinstall automatically adjusts the cmd and cmd_cwd for us! -- local config = require("lspconfig").jdtls.document_config -- require("lspconfig/configs").jdtls = nil -- important, unset the loaded config again -- config.default_config.cmd[1] = "./node_modules/.bin/bash-language-server" -- 2. extend the config with an install_script and (optionally) uninstall_script -- require'lspinstall/servers'.jdtls = vim.tbl_extend('error', config, { -- -- lspinstall will automatically create/delete the install directory for every server -- install_script = [[ -- git clone https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse.jdt.ls.git -- cd eclipse.jdt.ls -- ./mvnw clean verify -- ]], -- uninstall_script = nil -- can be omitted -- }) -- require'lspinstall/servers'.kotlin = vim.tbl_extend('error', config, { -- install_script = [[ -- git clone https://github.com/fwcd/kotlin-language-server.git language-server -- cd language-server -- ./gradlew :server:installDist -- ]], -- uninstall_script = nil -- can be omitted -- }) require("lspinstall").setup()