local utils = require "lvim.utils" local Log = require "lvim.core.log" local M = {} local user_config_dir = get_config_dir() local user_config_file = utils.join_paths(user_config_dir, "config.lua") ---Get the full path to the user configuration file ---@return string function M:get_user_config_path() return user_config_file end --- Initialize lvim default configuration -- Define lvim global variable function M:init() if vim.tbl_isempty(lvim or {}) then lvim = require "lvim.config.defaults" local home_dir = vim.loop.os_homedir() lvim.vsnip_dir = utils.join_paths(home_dir, ".config", "snippets") lvim.database = { save_location = utils.join_paths(home_dir, ".config", "lunarvim_db"), auto_execute = 1 } end local builtins = require "lvim.core.builtins" builtins.config { user_config_file = user_config_file } local settings = require "lvim.config.settings" settings.load_options() local lvim_lsp_config = require "lvim.lsp.config" lvim.lsp = vim.deepcopy(lvim_lsp_config) local supported_languages = { "asm", "bash", "beancount", "bibtex", "bicep", "c", "c_sharp", "clojure", "cmake", "comment", "commonlisp", "cpp", "crystal", "cs", "css", "cuda", "d", "dart", "dockerfile", "dot", "elixir", "elm", "emmet", "erlang", "fennel", "fish", "fortran", "gdscript", "glimmer", "go", "gomod", "graphql", "haskell", "hcl", "heex", "html", "java", "javascript", "javascriptreact", "jsdoc", "json", "json5", "jsonc", "julia", "kotlin", "latex", "ledger", "less", "lua", "markdown", "nginx", "nix", "ocaml", "ocaml_interface", "perl", "php", "pioasm", "ps1", "puppet", "python", "ql", "query", "r", "regex", "rst", "ruby", "rust", "scala", "scss", "sh", "solidity", "sparql", "sql", "supercollider", "surface", "svelte", "swift", "tailwindcss", "terraform", "tex", "tlaplus", "toml", "tsx", "turtle", "typescript", "typescriptreact", "verilog", "vim", "vue", "yaml", "yang", "zig", } require("lvim.lsp.manager").init_defaults(supported_languages) end local function deprecation_notice() local in_headless = #vim.api.nvim_list_uis() == 0 if in_headless then return end for lang, entry in pairs(lvim.lang) do local deprecated_config = entry["lvim.lsp"] or {} if not vim.tbl_isempty(deprecated_config) then local msg = string.format( "Deprecation notice: [lvim.lang.%s.lsp] setting is no longer supported. See https://github.com/LunarVim/LunarVim#breaking-changes", lang ) vim.schedule(function() vim.notify(msg, vim.log.levels.WARN) end) end end end --- Override the configuration with a user provided one -- @param config_path The path to the configuration overrides function M:load(config_path) local autocmds = require "lvim.core.autocmds" config_path = config_path or self.get_user_config_path() local ok, err = pcall(dofile, config_path) if not ok then if utils.is_file(user_config_file) then Log:warn("Invalid configuration: " .. err) else Log:warn(string.format("Unable to find configuration file [%s]", config_path)) end end deprecation_notice() autocmds.define_augroups(lvim.autocommands) local settings = require "lvim.config.settings" settings.load_commands() end --- Override the configuration with a user provided one -- @param config_path The path to the configuration overrides function M:reload() local lvim_modules = {} for module, _ in pairs(package.loaded) do if module:match "lvim" then package.loaded.module = nil table.insert(lvim_modules, module) end end M:init() M:load() require("lvim.keymappings").setup() -- this should be done before loading the plugins local plugins = require "lvim.plugins" utils.toggle_autoformat() local plugin_loader = require "lvim.plugin-loader" plugin_loader:cache_reset() plugin_loader:load { plugins, lvim.plugins } vim.cmd ":PackerInstall" vim.cmd ":PackerCompile" -- vim.cmd ":PackerClean" require("lvim.lsp").setup() Log:info "Reloaded configuration" end return M