local a = require "plenary.async_lib.tests" local utils = require "lvim.utils" local helpers = require "tests.lvim.helpers" local temp_dir = vim.loop.os_getenv "TEMP" or "/tmp" lvim.lsp.templates_dir = join_paths(temp_dir, "lvim", "tests", "artifacts") a.describe("lsp workflow", function() local Log = require "lvim.core.log" local logfile = Log:get_path() a.it("should be able to delete ftplugin templates", function() if utils.is_directory(lvim.lsp.templates_dir) then assert.equal(vim.fn.delete(lvim.lsp.templates_dir, "rf"), 0) end assert.False(utils.is_directory(lvim.lsp.templates_dir)) end) a.it("should be able to generate ftplugin templates", function() if utils.is_directory(lvim.lsp.templates_dir) then assert.equal(vim.fn.delete(lvim.lsp.templates_dir, "rf"), 0) end require("lvim.lsp").setup() -- we need to delay this check until the generation is completed vim.schedule(function() assert.True(utils.is_directory(lvim.lsp.templates_dir)) end) end) a.it("should not attempt to re-generate ftplugin templates", function() lvim.log.level = "debug" local plugins = require "lvim.plugins" require("lvim.plugin-loader").load { plugins, lvim.plugins } if utils.is_file(logfile) then assert.equal(vim.fn.delete(logfile), 0) end assert.True(utils.is_directory(lvim.lsp.templates_dir)) require("lvim.lsp").setup() -- we need to delay this check until the log gets populated vim.schedule(function() assert.False(helpers.log_contains "templates") end) end) a.it("should not include blacklisted servers in the generated templates", function() assert.True(utils.is_directory(lvim.lsp.templates_dir)) require("lvim.lsp").setup() for _, file in ipairs(vim.fn.glob(lvim.lsp.templates_dir .. "/*.lua", 1, 1)) do for _, server_name in ipairs(lvim.lsp.override) do local setup_cmd = string.format([[require("lvim.lsp.manager").setup(%q)]], server_name) assert.False(helpers.file_contains(file, setup_cmd)) end end end) a.it("should only include one server per generated template", function() assert.True(utils.is_directory(lvim.lsp.templates_dir)) require("lvim.lsp").setup() for _, file in ipairs(vim.fn.glob(lvim.lsp.templates_dir .. "/*.lua", 1, 1)) do local content = {} for entry in io.lines(file) do table.insert(content, entry) end local err_msg = "" if #content > 1 then err_msg = string.format( "found more than one server for [%q]: \n{\n %q \n}", file:match "[^/]*.lua$", table.concat(content, ", ") ) end assert.equal(err_msg, "") end end) end)