🌙 LunarVim is an IDE layer for Neovim. Completely free and community driven.
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2020-04-01 12:07:50 -04:00
ftplugin fixed C-l in pydoc overriding my window move mapping, some toggle cammands still don't work, also fixed backticks not appearing 2019-02-26 20:31:15 -05:00
install big update 2020-03-31 16:14:42 -04:00
modules fixed floating window in which key 2020-04-01 12:07:50 -04:00
utils/commands added stuff for js 2019-02-17 12:03:58 -05:00
.gitignore gutentags makes things hang so I need to fix or replace it 2019-02-11 15:19:13 -05:00
init.vim fixed floating window in which key 2020-04-01 12:07:50 -04:00
README.md fixed floating window in which key 2020-04-01 12:07:50 -04:00



To install run the install script in the install folder


Post install

After install open Neovim and run the following:



Follow my development here


conda create -n neovim python=3.7

npm i -g neovim

pip install 'python-language-server[all]'

pip uninstall pycodestye

pip install vim-vint

npm i -g bash-language-server

npm install -g javascript-typescript-langserver

install ripgrep" for gutentags to ignore .gitignore

install universal ctags"

make sure you open the language server module and point to the correct binaries such as pyls and vint


start using coc

install this stuff

https://github.com/kevinhwang91/rnvimr VimWiki coc Plug 'numirias/semshi', {'do': ':UpdateRemotePlugins'} https://github.com/voldikss/coc-todolist