🌙 LunarVim is an IDE layer for Neovim. Completely free and community driven.
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ichigo-gyuunyuu c4ab18091f
Update README.md
Decoupling of lunarvim changes the behaviour of the overwrite flag in the install script
2021-07-20 16:05:48 +05:30
.github [Feature] Add shell workflows (#1030) 2021-07-19 20:52:49 +04:30
colors spacegray now in lua 2021-07-12 12:51:49 -04:00
ftdetect [Feature]: Add language server support for Julia (#423) (#918) 2021-07-19 12:03:57 +04:30
ftplugin move julia stuff to core/lang (#1023) 2021-07-19 16:17:50 +04:30
lua Decoupling config from nvim (#1038) 2021-07-19 22:50:07 -04:00
utils Decoupling config from nvim (#1038) 2021-07-19 22:50:07 -04:00
.gitignore add temporal and backup files to gitignore. (#983) 2021-07-17 02:32:51 -04:00
.luacheckrc configure luacheck to better undersant LV code (#998) 2021-07-17 09:11:04 -04:00
CONTRIBUTING.md [Refactor] nvimtree to be configurable (#970) 2021-07-17 02:42:55 -04:00
init.lua Decoupling config from nvim (#1038) 2021-07-19 22:50:07 -04:00
LICENSE update license 2021-03-15 10:47:00 -04:00
README.md Update README.md 2021-07-20 16:05:48 +05:30

LunarVim Demo

Install In One Command!

Make sure you have the newest version of Neovim (0.5).

bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChristianChiarulli/lunarvim/master/utils/installer/install.sh)


The following command installs LunarVim. Change LVBRANCH to the branch you'd like to install. 'master' for the stable branch and 'rolling' for the latest changes.

LVBRANCH=rolling bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChristianChiarulli/lunarvim/rolling/utils/installer/install.sh)

BREAKING CHANGE on the rolling branch

  • Going forward LunarVim will no longer reside in the nvim configuration folder. LunarVim has been moved to ~/.local/share/lunarvim.
  • To launch Lunarvim use the new 'lvim' command. 'nvim' will only launch standard neovim.
  • Your personal configuration file (lv-config.lua) can now be found in ~/.config/lvim. You can initialize this folder as a git repository to track changes to your configuration files.

Fixing installation problems

If your installation is stuck on Ok to remove? [y/N], it means there are some leftovers,
you can run the script with --overwrite but be warned this will remove the following folders:

  • ~/.cache/nvim
  • ~/.local/share/lunarvim
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChristianChiarulli/lunarvim/rolling/utils/installer/install.sh | LVBRANCH=rolling bash -s -- --overwrite

then run nvim and wait for treesitter to finish the installation

Installing LSP for your language

Just enter :LspInstall followed by <TAB> to see your options

NOTE I recommend installing lua for autocomplete in lv-config.lua

For the julia language server look here

Configuration file

To activate other plugins and language features use the lv-config.lua file provided in the nvim folder (~/.config/nvim/lv-config.lua) in the master branch or (~/.config/lvim/lv-config.lua) on rolling


-- O is the global options object

-- general
-- O.format_on_save = false -- to disbale formatting on save
-- O.lint_on_save = false -- to disable formatting on save
O.completion.autocomplete = true
O.default_options.relativenumber = true
O.colorscheme = 'spacegray'
O.default_options.timeoutlen = 100

-- keymappings 
O.keys.leader_key = "space"
-- overwrite the key-mappings provided by LunarVim for any mode, or leave it empty to keep them
O.keys.normal_mode = {
    -- Page down/up
  {'[d', '<PageUp>'},
  {']d', '<PageDown>'},

  -- Navigate buffers
  {'<Tab>', ':bnext<CR>'},
  {'<S-Tab>', ':bprevious<CR>'},
-- if you just want to augment the existing ones then use the utility function
require("lv-utils").add_keymap_insert_mode({ silent = true }, {
  { "<C-s>", ":w<cr>" },
  { "<C-c>", "<ESC>" }

-- you can also use the native vim way directly
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "<C-Space>", "compe#complete()", { noremap = true, silent = true, expr = true })

-- After changing plugin config it is recommended to run :PackerCompile
O.plugin.dashboard.active = true
O.plugin.terminal.active = true
O.plugin.zen.active = true

-- if you don't want all the parsers change this to a table of the ones you want
O.treesitter.ensure_installed = "all"
O.treesitter.ignore_install = {"haskell"}
O.treesitter.highlight.enabled = true

-- lua
O.lang.lua.autoformat = false
O.lang.lua.formatter = 'lua-format'

-- javascript
O.lang.tsserver.formatter = 'prettier'
O.lang.tsserver.linter = nil
O.lang.tsserver.autoformat = true

-- python
O.lang.python.diagnostics.virtual_text = true
O.lang.python.analysis.use_library_code_types = true
-- to change default formatter from yapf to black
-- O.lang.python.formatter.exe = "black"
-- O.lang.python.formatter.args = {"-"}
-- To change enabled linters
-- https://github.com/mfussenegger/nvim-lint#available-linters
-- O.lang.python.linters = { "flake8", "pylint", "mypy", ... }

-- go
-- to change default formatter from gofmt to goimports
-- O.lang.formatter.go.exe = "goimports"

-- Additional Plugins
-- O.user_plugins = {
--   {"folke/tokyonight.nvim"},
--   {
--     "ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim",
--     config = function()
--       require"lsp_signature".on_attach()
--     end,
--     event = "InsertEnter"
--   },
-- }

-- }

-- Autocommands (https://neovim.io/doc/user/autocmd.html)
-- O.user_autocommands = {{ "BufWinEnter", "*", "echo \"hi again\""}}

-- Additional Leader bindings for WhichKey
-- O.user_which_key = {
--   A = {
--     name = "+Custom Leader Keys",
--     a = { "<cmd>echo 'first custom command'<cr>", "Description for a" },
--     b = { "<cmd>echo 'second custom command'<cr>", "Description for b" },
--   },
-- }

-- To link your init.vim (until you find Lua replacements)
-- vim.cmd('source ' .. CONFIG_PATH .. '/lua/lv-user/init.vim')

In case you want to see all the settings inside LunarVim, run the following:

cd ~/.config/nvim
nvim --headless +'lua require("lv-utils").generate_settings()' +qa && sort -o lv-settings.lua{,}

and then inspect ~/.config/nvim/lv-settings.lua file

Updating LunarVim

In order to update you should be aware of three things Plugins, LunarVim and Neovim

To update plugins:


To update LunarVim:

# Master Branch
cd ~/.config/nvim && git pull

# Rolling Branch
cd ~/.local/share/lunarvim && git pull

To update Neovim use your package manager or compile from source

Project Goals

  1. Provide basic functionalities required from an IDE
    • LSP
    • Formatting/Linting
    • Debugging
    • Treesitter
    • Colorschemes
  2. Be as fast and lean as possible
    • Lazy loading
    • Not a single extra plugin
    • User configurable lang/feature enable/disable
  3. Provide a simple and easy way for users to share their own configuration or use others.
  4. Hot reload of configurations
    • Hot install of lsp/treesitter/formatter required upon openning a filetype for the first time
  5. Provide a stable & maintainable error free configuration layer over neovim
    • With the help of the community behind it
    • Github workflow testing
    • Freezing plugin versions
  6. Provide detailed documentation
    • Video series on how to configure LunarVim as an IDE for each lang
  7. Valhalla



"I have the processing power of a potato with 4 gb of ram and LunarVim runs perfectly."

  • @juanCortelezzi, LunarVim user.

"My minimal config with a good amount less code than LunarVim loads 40ms slower. Time to switch."

  • @mvllow, Potential LunarVim user.
