2020-08-07 21:25:39 -04:00

62 lines
2.3 KiB

let g:asyncrun_open = 6
let g:asynctasks_term_pos = 'bottom'
" let g:asynctasks_term_pos = 'top'
" let g:asynctasks_term_pos = 'tab'
" let g:asynctasks_term_pos = 'external'
let g:asynctasks_extra_config = ['~/.config/nvim/utils/tasks.ini']
" let current_tasks = asynctasks#list("")
function! s:fzf_sink(what)
let p1 = stridx(a:what, '<')
if p1 >= 0
let name = strpart(a:what, 0, p1)
let name = substitute(name, '^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', '')
if name != ''
exec "AsyncTask ". fnameescape(name)
function! s:fzf_task()
let rows = asynctasks#source(&columns * 48 / 100)
let source = []
for row in rows
let name = row[0]
let source += [name . ' ' . row[1] . ' : ' . row[2]]
let opts = { 'source': source, 'sink': function('s:fzf_sink'),
\ 'options': '+m --nth 1 --inline-info --tac' }
if exists('g:fzf_layout')
for key in keys(g:fzf_layout)
let opts[key] = deepcopy(g:fzf_layout[key])
call fzf#run(opts)
command! -nargs=0 AsyncTaskFzf call s:fzf_task()
" Available Variables
" $(VIM_FILEPATH) # File name of current buffer with full path.
" $(VIM_FILENAME) # File name of current buffer without path.
" $(VIM_FILEDIR) # Full path of current buffer without the file name.
" $(VIM_FILEEXT) # File extension of current buffer.
" $(VIM_FILETYPE) # File type (value of &ft in vim)
" $(VIM_FILENOEXT) # File name of current buffer without path and extension.
" $(VIM_PATHNOEXT) # Current file name with full path but without extension.
" $(VIM_CWD) # Current directory (which :pwd returns).
" $(VIM_RELDIR) # File path relativize to current directory.
" $(VIM_RELNAME) # File name relativize to current directory.
" $(VIM_ROOT) # Project root directory.
" $(VIM_CWORD) # Word under cursor.
" $(VIM_CFILE) # File name under cursor.
" $(VIM_CLINE) # Cursor line number in current buffer
" $(VIM_GUI) # has('gui_runnin')?
" $(VIM_VERSION) # Value of v:version.
" $(VIM_COLUMNS) # Current screen width.
" $(VIM_LINES) # Current screen height.
" $(VIM_SVRNAME) # Value of v:servername.
" $(VIM_PRONAME) # Name of current project root directory
" $(VIM_DIRNAME) # Name of current directory
" $(VIM_INIFILE) # Full path name of current ini (.tasks) file.
" $(VIM_INIHOME) # Where the ini file locates.