🌙 LunarVim is an IDE layer for Neovim. Completely free and community driven.
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2020-04-02 16:11:30 -04:00
.old auto push 2020-04-02 14:41:26 -04:00
ftplugin auto push 2020-04-02 15:41:30 -04:00
modules auto push 2020-04-02 16:11:30 -04:00
utils auto push 2020-04-02 14:41:26 -04:00
.gitignore gutentags makes things hang so I need to fix or replace it 2019-02-11 15:19:13 -05:00
coc-settings.json auto push 2020-04-02 03:01:55 -04:00
init.vim auto push 2020-04-02 14:42:38 -04:00
README.md auto push 2020-04-02 16:11:30 -04:00


Plugging my blog Plugging my YouTube channel



  • neovim
  • Node
  • Python3
  • Ripgrep
  • fzf
  • ranger
  • hack-nerd-font
  • ranger
  • universal-ctags

Install dependencies On MacOS

brew install node
brew install neovim
brew install ripgrep
brew install fzf
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew cask install font-hack-nerd-font
brew install ranger
brew install --HEAD universal-ctags/universal-ctags/universal-ctags

Install dependencies on Linux

I assume you can figure it out based on the requirements smart guy

Setting Node path and Python3 path


Open modules/pythonpath.vim and point it to a version of python that has neovim installed


let g:python3_host_prog = expand("~/.miniconda/envs/neovim/bin/python3.8")

nodepath for Coc

Open modules/nodepath.vim and point it to a version of python that has neovim installed


let g:coc_node_path = expand("~/.nvm/versions/node/v12.16.1/bin/node")

Set up plugin manager

sh ~/.config/nvim/install/utils/installer.sh ~/.config/nvim/dein

Install packages

You should now run nvim and wait while the package manager installs your plugins

Post install

After install open Neovim and run the following:



CoC Language support

You may need to do this if CoC says it can't find Javascript:

cd ~/.cache/dein/repos/github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim
git clean -xfd
yarn install --frozen-lockfile

Official installation page CoC Extensions

ALE Linting


  • make better use of ftplugin
  • Document node nonsense in order to install coc
  • configure coc settings better
  • need formatter for other languages
  • set up ale
  • Java support
  • Need support for image in current ranger implementation
  • https://github.com/kevinhwang91/rnvimr (Note Ueberzug doesn't work on mac which sucks, also neither does this plugin)
  • Check out more coc extensions
  • https://github.com/voldikss/coc-todolist
  • VimWiki
  • coc explorer and coc floating terminal are pretty cool
  • look into save vim sessions
  • create keymap file and move combinations from general
  • ultisnips for autogenerate front matter with data and stuff
  • setup blog with vimwiki


install ripgrep" for gutentags to ignore .gitignore If you get an error like this: gutentags: ctags job failed, returned: remove the tags directory in ~/.cache