Christian Chiarulli 98f8a77819
New contract (#1080)
Changes to the global config object

O is now lvim
user_plugins is now plugins
user_autocommands is now autocommands
No more lang specific plugins

Null-ls has replaced both formatter.nvim and nvim-lint
2021-07-24 21:17:11 -04:00

9 lines
358 B

require("lsp").setup "elixir"
-- TODO: do we need this?
-- needed for the LSP to recognize elixir files (alternativly just use elixir-editors/vim-elixir)
-- vim.cmd [[
-- au BufRead,BufNewFile *.ex,*.exs set filetype=elixir
-- au BufRead,BufNewFile *.eex,*.leex,*.sface set filetype=eelixir
-- au BufRead,BufNewFile mix.lock set filetype=elixir
-- ]]