Updated Home (markdown)

rebuilt 2021-07-06 13:02:38 +02:00
parent 54e464f53d
commit 1d16d64e81


@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
- [Installing Plugins](https://github.com/ChristianChiarulli/LunarVim/wiki/Installing-Plugins)
- [Removing Plugins](https://github.com/ChristianChiarulli/LunarVim/wiki/Removing-Plugins)
- [Using Packer](https://github.com/ChristianChiarulli/LunarVim/wiki/Using-Packer)
- [Clipboard Support](#clipboard-support)
- [Clipboard Support](https://github.com/ChristianChiarulli/LunarVim/wiki/Clipboard-Support)
- [LSP](#lsp)
* [Lsp errors](#lsp-errors)
+ [Understanding LspInfo](#understanding-lspinfo)
@ -30,116 +30,6 @@
Neovim comes bundled with a language client but not a language server.
To install a supported language server:
``` md
:LspInstall <your_language_server>
See [LspInstall](https://github.com/kabouzeid/nvim-lspinstall) for more
In order for Java LSP to work, edit `~/.local/share/nvim/lspinstall/java/jdtls.sh` and replace `WORKSPACE="$1"` with `WORKSPACE="$HOME/workspace"`
Most common languages should be supported out of the box, if yours is
not I would welcome a PR
## Lsp errors
LunarVim lists the attached lsp server in the bottom status bar. If it
says No client connected use :LspInfo to troubleshoot.
### Understanding LspInfo
1. Make sure there is a client attached to the buffer. 0 attached
clients means lsp is not running
2. Active clients are clients in other files you have open
3. Clients that match the filetype will be listed. If installed with
:LspInstall <servername> the language servers will be installed.
4. cmd must be populated. This is the language server executable. If
the cmd isnt set or if its not executable you wont be able to
run the language server.
* In the example below efm-langserver is the name of the binary
that acts as the langserver. If we run which efm-langserver and we
get a location to the executable, it means the langauge server is
installed and available globally.
* If you know the command is installed AND you dont want to install
it globally youll need to manually set 'cmd' in the language server
* Configurations are stored in ~/.config/nvim/lua/lsp/
The settings will be stored in a file that matches the name of the language.
e.g. python-ls.lua
* identified root must also be populated. Most
language servers require you be inside a git repository for the root
to be detected. If you dont want to initialize the directory as a
git repository, an empty .git/ folder will also work.
5. Some language servers get set up on a per project basis so you may
have to reinstall the language server when you move to a different
### Example configurations
[ ======== LSP NOT running ======== ]
``` md
0 client(s) attached to this buffer:
0 active client(s):
Clients that match the filetype python:
Config: efm
cmd: /Users/my-user/.local/share/nvim/lspinstall/efm/efm-langserver
cmd is executable: True
identified root: None
custom handlers:
Config: pyright
cmd: /Users/my-user/.local/share/nvim/lspinstall/python/node_modules/.bin/pyright-langserver --stdio
cmd is executable: True
identified root: None
custom handlers: textDocument/publishDiagnostics
[ ======== LSP IS running ======== ]
``` md
2 client(s) attached to this buffer: pyright, efm
Client: pyright (id 1)
root: /home/my-user/workspace/canary
filetypes: python
cmd: /home/my-user/.local/share/nvim/lspinstall/python/node_modules/.bin/pyright-langserver --stdio
Client: efm (id 2)
root: /home/my-user/workspace/canary
filetypes: lua, python, javascriptreact, javascript, typescript, typescriptreact, sh, html, css, json, yaml, markdown, vue
cmd: /home/my-user/.local/share/nvim/lspinstall/efm/efm-langserver
### Last resort
If you still have problems after implementing the above measures, rule
out plugin problems with the following. This reinstalls your plugins and
language servers.
``` md
rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim/site
For a more in depth LSP support:
# Useful Programs
LunarVim depends on the following: