Updated Home (markdown)

rebuilt 2021-07-04 13:48:57 +02:00
parent 80c09e442f
commit 2ecd45650a


@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ nvim -u $HOME/.config/nvim/init.lua +PackerInstall
## Troubleshooting installation problems
If you encounter problems with the installation check the following:
1. Make sure you have at least version 0.5 of neovim.
1. Make sure you have at least version 0.5 of neovim. There were some breaking changes in the development of 0.5 so upgrade to the newest available version to rule out incompatibilities.
2. Make sure neovim was compiled with luajit.
# The output of version information should include a line for: LuaJIT
@ -229,40 +229,45 @@ If you encounter problems with the installation check the following:
# Getting started
## Home screen
The home screen is a plugin called
[Dashboard](https://github.com/glepnir/dashboard-nvim). It uses the
[Telescope](https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim) plugin to
find files or find words within files. The home screen provides a link
to load saved Sessions. The home screen links to the settings file
located at this path: \~/.config/nvim/lv-settings.lua
## Leader and Whichkey
The default leader key is set to <Space>. Pressing it will also
The default leader key is set to <Space>. Pressing space will also
open up [Whichkey](https://github.com/folke/which-key.nvim). Whichkey
will help you easily access many of the default keybindings. Whichkey
defines keymappings in this file:
\~/.config/nvim/lua/lv-which-key/init.lua .
The speed the Whichkey window opens is determined by the 'timeoutlen' setting.
'timeoutlen' also defines the timeout length for any key combination.
Change this value in ~/.config/nvim/lua/settings.lua. Or add an entry
for it in your personal configuration file ~/.config/nvim/lv-config.lua so it
won't be changed the next time you update LunarVim.
O.timeoutlen = 400 -- Timeout value in milliseconds
## Other key bindings
Other key bindings can be found in \~/.config/nvim/lua/keymappings.lua
Other key bindings can be found in \~/.config/nvim/lua/keymappings.lua.
This file is for the set of keybindings that aren't mapped to the Leader key.
If you already have a set of keybindings in vimscript that you prefer,
source your vimscript file from \~/.config/nvim/init.lua
If you already have a set of keybindings you prefer, the best place to put these bindings
is the ~/.config/nvim/lv-config.lua file. This way, they won't be overwritten when you update
``` lua
vim.cmd('source ~/.config/nvim/vimscript/keymappings.vim')
Or you can translate your old bindings to lua and keep them in the
provided keymappings file. Follow the lua guide available
If you mappings are in vimscript you can translate your old bindings to lua
by following the lua guide available
Or if you prefer to keep your mappings in vimscript, wrap them in the vim.cmd function
## Important Configuration files
| Path | Description |