
373 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import io
import json
import re
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
import modules.shared as shared
from modules.extensions import apply_extensions
2023-02-23 17:03:52 +01:00
from modules.html_generator import generate_chat_html
from modules.text_generation import encode
from modules.text_generation import generate_reply
from modules.text_generation import get_max_prompt_length
if shared.args.picture and (shared.args.cai_chat or shared.args.chat):
import modules.bot_picture as bot_picture
history = {'internal': [], 'visible': []}
character = None
# This gets the new line characters right.
def clean_chat_message(text):
text = text.replace('\n', '\n\n')
text = re.sub(r"\n{3,}", "\n\n", text)
text = text.strip()
return text
def generate_chat_prompt(text, tokens, name1, name2, context, chat_prompt_size, impersonate=False):
text = clean_chat_message(text)
rows = [f"{context.strip()}\n"]
i = len(history['internal'])-1
count = 0
if shared.soft_prompt:
chat_prompt_size -= shared.soft_prompt_tensor.shape[1]
max_length = min(get_max_prompt_length(tokens), chat_prompt_size)
while i >= 0 and len(encode(''.join(rows), tokens)[0]) < max_length:
rows.insert(1, f"{name2}: {history['internal'][i][1].strip()}\n")
count += 1
if not (history['internal'][i][0] == '<|BEGIN-VISIBLE-CHAT|>'):
rows.insert(1, f"{name1}: {history['internal'][i][0].strip()}\n")
count += 1
i -= 1
if not impersonate:
rows.append(f"{name1}: {text}\n")
rows.append(apply_extensions(f"{name2}:", "bot_prefix"))
limit = 3
limit = 2
while len(rows) > limit and len(encode(''.join(rows), tokens)[0]) >= max_length:
question = ''.join(rows)
return question
def extract_message_from_reply(question, reply, current, other, check, extensions=False):
next_character_found = False
substring_found = False
previous_idx = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(f"(^|\n){re.escape(current)}:", question)]
idx = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(f"(^|\n){re.escape(current)}:", reply)]
idx = idx[len(previous_idx)-1]
if extensions:
reply = reply[idx + 1 + len(apply_extensions(f"{current}:", "bot_prefix")):]
reply = reply[idx + 1 + len(f"{current}:"):]
if check:
reply = reply.split('\n')[0].strip()
idx = reply.find(f"\n{other}:")
if idx != -1:
reply = reply[:idx]
next_character_found = True
reply = clean_chat_message(reply)
# Detect if something like "\nYo" is generated just before
# "\nYou:" is completed
tmp = f"\n{other}:"
for j in range(1, len(tmp)):
if reply[-j:] == tmp[:j]:
substring_found = True
return reply, next_character_found, substring_found
def generate_chat_picture(picture, name1, name2):
text = f'*{name1} sends {name2} a picture that contains the following: "{bot_picture.caption_image(picture)}"*'
buffer = BytesIO()
picture.save(buffer, format="JPEG")
img_str = base64.b64encode(buffer.getvalue()).decode('utf-8')
visible_text = f'<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,{img_str}">'
return text, visible_text
def stop_everything_event():
global stop_everything
stop_everything = True
def chatbot_wrapper(text, tokens, do_sample, max_new_tokens, temperature, top_p, typical_p, repetition_penalty, top_k, min_length, no_repeat_ngram_size, num_beams, penalty_alpha, length_penalty, early_stopping, name1, name2, context, check, chat_prompt_size, picture=None):
global stop_everything
stop_everything = False
if 'pygmalion' in shared.model_name.lower():
name1 = "You"
if shared.args.picture and picture is not None:
text, visible_text = generate_chat_picture(picture, name1, name2)
visible_text = text
if shared.args.chat:
visible_text = visible_text.replace('\n', '<br>')
text = apply_extensions(text, "input")
question = generate_chat_prompt(text, tokens, name1, name2, context, chat_prompt_size)
eos_token = '\n' if check else None
first = True
for reply in generate_reply(question, tokens, do_sample, max_new_tokens, temperature, top_p, typical_p, repetition_penalty, top_k, min_length, no_repeat_ngram_size, num_beams, penalty_alpha, length_penalty, early_stopping, eos_token=eos_token, stopping_string=f"\n{name1}:"):
reply, next_character_found, substring_found = extract_message_from_reply(question, reply, name2, name1, check, extensions=True)
visible_reply = apply_extensions(reply, "output")
if shared.args.chat:
visible_reply = visible_reply.replace('\n', '<br>')
# We need this global variable to handle the Stop event,
# otherwise gradio gets confused
if stop_everything:
return history['visible']
if first:
first = False
history['internal'].append(['', ''])
history['visible'].append(['', ''])
history['internal'][-1] = [text, reply]
history['visible'][-1] = [visible_text, visible_reply]
if not substring_found:
yield history['visible']
if next_character_found:
yield history['visible']
def impersonate_wrapper(text, tokens, do_sample, max_new_tokens, temperature, top_p, typical_p, repetition_penalty, top_k, min_length, no_repeat_ngram_size, num_beams, penalty_alpha, length_penalty, early_stopping, name1, name2, context, check, chat_prompt_size, picture=None):
if 'pygmalion' in shared.model_name.lower():
name1 = "You"
question = generate_chat_prompt(text, tokens, name1, name2, context, chat_prompt_size, impersonate=True)
eos_token = '\n' if check else None
for reply in generate_reply(question, tokens, do_sample, max_new_tokens, temperature, top_p, typical_p, repetition_penalty, top_k, min_length, no_repeat_ngram_size, num_beams, penalty_alpha, length_penalty, early_stopping, eos_token=eos_token, stopping_string=f"\n{name2}:"):
reply, next_character_found, substring_found = extract_message_from_reply(question, reply, name1, name2, check, extensions=False)
if not substring_found:
yield reply
if next_character_found:
yield reply
def cai_chatbot_wrapper(text, tokens, do_sample, max_new_tokens, temperature, top_p, typical_p, repetition_penalty, top_k, min_length, no_repeat_ngram_size, num_beams, penalty_alpha, length_penalty, early_stopping, name1, name2, context, check, chat_prompt_size, picture=None):
for _history in chatbot_wrapper(text, tokens, do_sample, max_new_tokens, temperature, top_p, typical_p, repetition_penalty, top_k, min_length, no_repeat_ngram_size, num_beams, penalty_alpha, length_penalty, early_stopping, name1, name2, context, check, chat_prompt_size, picture):
yield generate_chat_html(_history, name1, name2, character)
def regenerate_wrapper(text, tokens, do_sample, max_new_tokens, temperature, top_p, typical_p, repetition_penalty, top_k, min_length, no_repeat_ngram_size, num_beams, penalty_alpha, length_penalty, early_stopping, name1, name2, context, check, chat_prompt_size, picture=None):
if character is not None and len(history['visible']) == 1:
if shared.args.cai_chat:
yield generate_chat_html(history['visible'], name1, name2, character)
yield history['visible']
last_visible = history['visible'].pop()
last_internal = history['internal'].pop()
for _history in chatbot_wrapper(last_internal[0], tokens, do_sample, max_new_tokens, temperature, top_p, typical_p, repetition_penalty, top_k, min_length, no_repeat_ngram_size, num_beams, penalty_alpha, length_penalty, early_stopping, name1, name2, context, check, chat_prompt_size, picture):
if shared.args.cai_chat:
history['visible'][-1] = [last_visible[0], _history[-1][1]]
yield generate_chat_html(history['visible'], name1, name2, character)
history['visible'][-1] = (last_visible[0], _history[-1][1])
yield history['visible']
def remove_last_message(name1, name2):
if not history['internal'][-1][0] == '<|BEGIN-VISIBLE-CHAT|>':
last = history['visible'].pop()
last = ['', '']
if shared.args.cai_chat:
return generate_chat_html(history['visible'], name1, name2, character), last[0]
return history['visible'], last[0]
def send_last_reply_to_input():
if len(history['internal']) > 0:
return history['internal'][-1][1]
return ''
def replace_last_reply(text, name1, name2):
if len(history['visible']) > 0:
if shared.args.cai_chat:
history['visible'][-1][1] = text
history['visible'][-1] = (history['visible'][-1][0], text)
history['internal'][-1][1] = apply_extensions(text, "input")
if shared.args.cai_chat:
return generate_chat_html(history['visible'], name1, name2, character)
return history['visible']
def clear_html():
return generate_chat_html([], "", "", character)
def clear_chat_log(_character, name1, name2):
global history
if _character != 'None':
for i in range(len(history['internal'])):
if '<|BEGIN-VISIBLE-CHAT|>' in history['internal'][i][0]:
history['visible'] = [['', history['internal'][i][1]]]
history['internal'] = history['internal'][:i+1]
history['internal'] = []
history['visible'] = []
if shared.args.cai_chat:
return generate_chat_html(history['visible'], name1, name2, character)
return history['visible']
def redraw_html(name1, name2):
global history
return generate_chat_html(history['visible'], name1, name2, character)
def tokenize_dialogue(dialogue, name1, name2):
_history = []
dialogue = re.sub('<START>', '', dialogue)
dialogue = re.sub('<start>', '', dialogue)
dialogue = re.sub('(\n|^)[Aa]non:', '\\1You:', dialogue)
dialogue = re.sub('(\n|^)\[CHARACTER\]:', f'\\g<1>{name2}:', dialogue)
idx = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(f"(^|\n)({re.escape(name1)}|{re.escape(name2)}):", dialogue)]
if len(idx) == 0:
return _history
messages = []
for i in range(len(idx)-1):
entry = ['', '']
for i in messages:
if i.startswith(f'{name1}:'):
entry[0] = i[len(f'{name1}:'):].strip()
elif i.startswith(f'{name2}:'):
entry[1] = i[len(f'{name2}:'):].strip()
if not (len(entry[0]) == 0 and len(entry[1]) == 0):
entry = ['', '']
print(f"\033[1;32;1m\nDialogue tokenized to:\033[0;37;0m\n", end='')
for row in _history:
for column in row:
for line in column.strip().split('\n'):
print("| "+line+"\n")
return _history
def save_history(timestamp=True):
if timestamp:
fname = f"{character or ''}{'_' if character else ''}{datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')}.json"
fname = f"{character or ''}{'_' if character else ''}persistent.json"
if not Path('logs').exists():
with open(Path(f'logs/{fname}'), 'w') as f:
f.write(json.dumps({'data': history['internal'], 'data_visible': history['visible']}, indent=2))
return Path(f'logs/{fname}')
def load_history(file, name1, name2):
global history
file = file.decode('utf-8')
j = json.loads(file)
if 'data' in j:
history['internal'] = j['data']
if 'data_visible' in j:
history['visible'] = j['data_visible']
history['visible'] = copy.deepcopy(history['internal'])
# Compatibility with Pygmalion AI's official web UI
elif 'chat' in j:
history['internal'] = [':'.join(x.split(':')[1:]).strip() for x in j['chat']]
if len(j['chat']) > 0 and j['chat'][0].startswith(f'{name2}:'):
history['internal'] = [['<|BEGIN-VISIBLE-CHAT|>', history['internal'][0]]] + [[history['internal'][i], history['internal'][i+1]] for i in range(1, len(history['internal'])-1, 2)]
history['visible'] = copy.deepcopy(history['internal'])
history['visible'][0][0] = ''
history['internal'] = [[history['internal'][i], history['internal'][i+1]] for i in range(0, len(history['internal'])-1, 2)]
history['visible'] = copy.deepcopy(history['internal'])
history['internal'] = tokenize_dialogue(file, name1, name2)
history['visible'] = copy.deepcopy(history['internal'])
def load_character(_character, name1, name2):
global history, character
context = ""
history['internal'] = []
history['visible'] = []
if _character != 'None':
character = _character
data = json.loads(open(Path(f'characters/{_character}.json'), 'r').read())
name2 = data['char_name']
if 'char_persona' in data and data['char_persona'] != '':
context += f"{data['char_name']}'s Persona: {data['char_persona']}\n"
if 'world_scenario' in data and data['world_scenario'] != '':
context += f"Scenario: {data['world_scenario']}\n"
context = f"{context.strip()}\n<START>\n"
if 'example_dialogue' in data and data['example_dialogue'] != '':
history['internal'] = tokenize_dialogue(data['example_dialogue'], name1, name2)
if 'char_greeting' in data and len(data['char_greeting'].strip()) > 0:
history['internal'] += [['<|BEGIN-VISIBLE-CHAT|>', data['char_greeting']]]
history['visible'] += [['', apply_extensions(data['char_greeting'], "output")]]
history['internal'] += [['<|BEGIN-VISIBLE-CHAT|>', "Hello there!"]]
history['visible'] += [['', "Hello there!"]]
character = None
context = settings['context_pygmalion']
name2 = settings['name2_pygmalion']
if Path(f'logs/{character}_persistent.json').exists():
load_history(open(Path(f'logs/{character}_persistent.json'), 'rb').read(), name1, name2)
if shared.args.cai_chat:
return name2, context, generate_chat_html(history['visible'], name1, name2, character)
return name2, context, history['visible']
def upload_character(json_file, img, tavern=False):
json_file = json_file if type(json_file) == str else json_file.decode('utf-8')
data = json.loads(json_file)
outfile_name = data["char_name"]
i = 1
while Path(f'characters/{outfile_name}.json').exists():
outfile_name = f'{data["char_name"]}_{i:03d}'
i += 1
if tavern:
outfile_name = f'TavernAI-{outfile_name}'
with open(Path(f'characters/{outfile_name}.json'), 'w') as f:
if img is not None:
img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(img))
print(f'New character saved to "characters/{outfile_name}.json".')
return outfile_name
def upload_tavern_character(img, name1, name2):
_img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(img))
decoded_string = base64.b64decode(_img.info['chara'])
_json = json.loads(decoded_string)
_json = {"char_name": _json['name'], "char_persona": _json['description'], "char_greeting": _json["first_mes"], "example_dialogue": _json['mes_example'], "world_scenario": _json['scenario']}
_json['example_dialogue'] = _json['example_dialogue'].replace('{{user}}', name1).replace('{{char}}', _json['char_name'])
return upload_character(json.dumps(_json), img, tavern=True)
def upload_your_profile_picture(img):
img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(img))
print(f'Profile picture saved to "img_me.png"')