import importlib import platform from typing import Sequence from tqdm import tqdm from modules import shared from modules.cache_utils import process_llamacpp_cache imported_module = None def llama_cpp_lib(): global imported_module # Determine the platform is_macos = platform.system() == 'Darwin' # Define the library names based on the platform if is_macos: lib_names = [ (None, 'llama_cpp') ] else: lib_names = [ ('cpu', 'llama_cpp'), ('tensorcores', 'llama_cpp_cuda_tensorcores'), (None, 'llama_cpp_cuda'), (None, 'llama_cpp') ] for arg, lib_name in lib_names: should_import = (arg is None or getattr(shared.args, arg)) if should_import: if imported_module and imported_module != lib_name: # Conflict detected, raise an exception raise Exception(f"Cannot import `{lib_name}` because `{imported_module}` is already imported. Switching to a different version of llama-cpp-python currently requires a server restart.") try: return_lib = importlib.import_module(lib_name) imported_module = lib_name monkey_patch_llama_cpp_python(return_lib) return return_lib except ImportError: continue return None def eval_with_progress(self, tokens: Sequence[int]): """ A copy of with tqdm to show prompt processing progress. """ assert self._ctx.ctx is not None assert self._batch.batch is not None self._ctx.kv_cache_seq_rm(-1, self.n_tokens, -1) if len(tokens) > 1: progress_bar = tqdm(range(0, len(tokens), self.n_batch), desc="Prompt evaluation", leave=False) else: progress_bar = range(0, len(tokens), self.n_batch) for i in progress_bar: batch = tokens[i : min(len(tokens), i + self.n_batch)] n_past = self.n_tokens n_tokens = len(batch) self._batch.set_batch( batch=batch, n_past=n_past, logits_all=self.context_params.logits_all ) self._ctx.decode(self._batch) # Save tokens self.input_ids[n_past : n_past + n_tokens] = batch # Save logits if self.context_params.logits_all: rows = n_tokens cols = self._n_vocab logits = self._ctx.get_logits()[: rows * cols] self.scores[n_past : n_past + n_tokens, :].reshape(-1)[: :] = logits else: rows = 1 cols = self._n_vocab logits = self._ctx.get_logits()[: rows * cols] self.scores[n_past + n_tokens - 1, :].reshape(-1)[: :] = logits # Update n_tokens self.n_tokens += n_tokens def monkey_patch_llama_cpp_python(lib): if getattr(lib.Llama, '_is_patched', False): # If the patch is already applied, do nothing return def my_generate(self, *args, **kwargs): if shared.args.streaming_llm: new_sequence = args[0] past_sequence = self._input_ids # Do the cache trimming for StreamingLLM process_llamacpp_cache(self, new_sequence, past_sequence) for output in self.original_generate(*args, **kwargs): yield output lib.Llama.eval = eval_with_progress lib.Llama.original_generate = lib.Llama.generate lib.Llama.generate = my_generate # Set the flag to indicate that the patch has been applied lib.Llama._is_patched = True