import sys, torch, json, threading, time from pathlib import Path import gradio as gr from datasets import load_dataset import transformers from modules import ui, shared from peft import prepare_model_for_int8_training, LoraConfig, get_peft_model, get_peft_model_state_dict WANT_INTERRUPT = False CURRENT_STEPS = 0 MAX_STEPS = 0 CURRENT_GRADIENT_ACCUM = 1 def get_json_dataset(path: str): def get_set(): return ['None'] + sorted(set(map(lambda x : '.'.join(str('.')[:-1]), Path(path).glob('*.json'))), key=str.lower) return get_set def create_train_interface(): with gr.Tab('Train LoRA', elem_id='lora-train-tab'): loraName = gr.Textbox(label="Name", info="The name of your new LoRA file") with gr.Row(): # TODO: Implement multi-device support. microBatchSize = gr.Slider(label='Micro Batch Size', value=4, minimum=1, maximum=128, step=1, info='Per-device batch size (NOTE: multiple devices not yet implemented). Increasing this will increase VRAM usage.') batchSize = gr.Slider(label='Batch Size', value=128, minimum=1, maximum=1024, step=4, info='Global batch size. The two batch sizes together determine gradient accumulation (gradientAccum = batch / microBatch). Higher gradient accum values lead to better quality training.') with gr.Row(): epochs = gr.Number(label='Epochs', value=1, info='Number of times every entry in the dataset should be fed into training. So 1 means feed each item in once, 5 means feed it in five times, etc.') learningRate = gr.Textbox(label='Learning Rate', value='3e-4', info='Learning rate, in scientific notation. 3e-4 is a good starting base point. 1e-2 is extremely high, 1e-6 is extremely low.') # TODO: What is the actual maximum rank? Likely distinct per model. This might be better to somehow be on a log scale. loraRank = gr.Slider(label='LoRA Rank', value=8, minimum=1, maximum=1024, step=4, info='LoRA Rank, or dimension count. Higher values produce a larger file with better control over the model\'s content. Smaller values produce a smaller file with less overall control. Small values like 4 or 8 are great for stylistic guidance, high values like 128 or 256 are good for teaching content upgrades. Higher ranks also require higher VRAM.') loraAlpha = gr.Slider(label='LoRA Alpha', value=16, minimum=1, maximum=2048, step=4, info='LoRA Alpha. This divided by the rank becomes the scaling of the LoRA. Higher means stronger. A good standard value is twice your Rank.') # TODO: Better explain what this does, in terms of real world effect especially. loraDropout = gr.Slider(label='LoRA Dropout', minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.025, value=0.05, info='Percentage probability for dropout of LoRA layers.') cutoffLen = gr.Slider(label='Cutoff Length', minimum=1,maximum=2048, value=256, step=32, info='Cutoff length for text input. Essentially, how long of a line of text to feed in at a time. Higher values require drastically more VRAM.') with gr.Row(): datasetFunction = get_json_dataset('training/datasets') dataset = gr.Dropdown(choices=datasetFunction(), value='None', label='Dataset', info='The dataset file to use for training.') ui.create_refresh_button(dataset, lambda : None, lambda : {'choices': datasetFunction()}, 'refresh-button') evalDataset = gr.Dropdown(choices=datasetFunction(), value='None', label='Evaluation Dataset', info='The dataset file used to evaluate the model after training.') ui.create_refresh_button(evalDataset, lambda : None, lambda : {'choices': datasetFunction()}, 'refresh-button') formatsFunction = get_json_dataset('training/formats') format = gr.Dropdown(choices=formatsFunction(), value='None', label='Data Format', info='The format file used to decide how to format the dataset input.') ui.create_refresh_button(format, lambda : None, lambda : {'choices': formatsFunction()}, 'refresh-button') with gr.Row(): startButton = gr.Button("Start LoRA Training") stopButton = gr.Button("Interrupt") output = gr.Markdown(value="(...)") startEvent =, [loraName, microBatchSize, batchSize, epochs, learningRate, loraRank, loraAlpha, loraDropout, cutoffLen, dataset, evalDataset, format], [output]), [], [], cancels=[], queue=False) def doInterrupt(): global WANT_INTERRUPT WANT_INTERRUPT = True class Callbacks(transformers.TrainerCallback): def on_step_begin(self, args: transformers.TrainingArguments, state: transformers.TrainerState, control: transformers.TrainerControl, **kwargs): global CURRENT_STEPS, MAX_STEPS CURRENT_STEPS = state.global_step * CURRENT_GRADIENT_ACCUM MAX_STEPS = state.max_steps * CURRENT_GRADIENT_ACCUM if WANT_INTERRUPT: control.should_epoch_stop = True control.should_training_stop = True def on_substep_end(self, args: transformers.TrainingArguments, state: transformers.TrainerState, control: transformers.TrainerControl, **kwargs): global CURRENT_STEPS CURRENT_STEPS += 1 if WANT_INTERRUPT: control.should_epoch_stop = True control.should_training_stop = True def cleanPath(basePath: str, path: str): """"Strips unusual symbols and forcibly builds a path as relative to the intended directory.""" # TODO: Probably could do with a security audit to guarantee there's no ways this can be bypassed to target an unwanted path. # Or swap it to a strict whitelist of [a-zA-Z_0-9] path = path.replace('\\', '/').replace('..', '_') if basePath is None: return path return f'{Path(basePath).absolute()}/{path}' def do_train(loraName: str, microBatchSize: int, batchSize: int, epochs: int, learningRate: float, loraRank: int, loraAlpha: int, loraDropout: float, cutoffLen: int, dataset: str, evalDataset: str, format: str): global WANT_INTERRUPT, CURRENT_STEPS, MAX_STEPS, CURRENT_GRADIENT_ACCUM WANT_INTERRUPT = False CURRENT_STEPS = 0 MAX_STEPS = 0 yield "Prepping..." # == Input validation / processing == # TODO: --lora-dir PR once pulled will need to be applied here loraName = f"loras/{cleanPath(None, loraName)}" if dataset is None: return "**Missing dataset choice input, cannot continue.**" if format is None: return "**Missing format choice input, cannot continue.**" gradientAccumulationSteps = batchSize // microBatchSize CURRENT_GRADIENT_ACCUM = gradientAccumulationSteps actualLR = float(learningRate) shared.tokenizer.pad_token = 0 shared.tokenizer.padding_side = "left" # == Prep the dataset, format, etc == with open(cleanPath('training/formats', f'{format}.json'), 'r') as formatFile: formatData: dict[str, str] = json.load(formatFile) def tokenize(prompt): result = shared.tokenizer(prompt, truncation=True, max_length=cutoffLen + 1, padding="max_length") return { "input_ids": result["input_ids"][:-1], "attention_mask": result["attention_mask"][:-1], } def generate_prompt(data_point: dict[str, str]): for options, data in formatData.items(): if set(options.split(',')) == set(x[0] for x in data_point.items() if len(x[1].strip()) > 0): for key, val in data_point.items(): data = data.replace(f'%{key}%', val) return data raise RuntimeError(f'Data-point "{data_point}" has no keyset match within format "{list(formatData.keys())}"') def generate_and_tokenize_prompt(data_point): prompt = generate_prompt(data_point) return tokenize(prompt) print("Loading datasets...") data = load_dataset("json", data_files=cleanPath('training/datasets', f'{dataset}.json')) train_data = data['train'].shuffle().map(generate_and_tokenize_prompt) if evalDataset == 'None': evalData = None else: evalData = load_dataset("json", data_files=cleanPath('training/datasets', f'{evalDataset}.json')) evalData = evalData['train'].shuffle().map(generate_and_tokenize_prompt) # == Start prepping the model itself == if not hasattr(shared.model, 'lm_head') or hasattr(shared.model.lm_head, 'weight'): print("Getting model ready...") prepare_model_for_int8_training(shared.model) print("Prepping for training...") config = LoraConfig( r=loraRank, lora_alpha=loraAlpha, # TODO: Should target_modules be configurable? target_modules=[ "q_proj", "v_proj" ], lora_dropout=loraDropout, bias="none", task_type="CAUSAL_LM" ) loraModel = get_peft_model(shared.model, config) trainer = transformers.Trainer( model=loraModel, train_dataset=train_data, eval_dataset=evalData, args=transformers.TrainingArguments( per_device_train_batch_size=microBatchSize, gradient_accumulation_steps=gradientAccumulationSteps, # TODO: Should more of these be configurable? Probably. warmup_steps=100, num_train_epochs=epochs, learning_rate=actualLR, fp16=True, logging_steps=20, evaluation_strategy="steps" if evalData is not None else "no", save_strategy="steps", eval_steps=200 if evalData is not None else None, save_steps=200, output_dir=loraName, save_total_limit=3, load_best_model_at_end=True if evalData is not None else False, # TODO: Enable multi-device support ddp_find_unused_parameters=None ), data_collator=transformers.DataCollatorForLanguageModeling(shared.tokenizer, mlm=False), callbacks=list([Callbacks()]) ) loraModel.config.use_cache = False old_state_dict = loraModel.state_dict loraModel.state_dict = ( lambda self, *_, **__: get_peft_model_state_dict(self, old_state_dict()) ).__get__(loraModel, type(loraModel)) if torch.__version__ >= "2" and sys.platform != "win32": loraModel = torch.compile(loraModel) # == Main run and monitor loop == # TODO: save/load checkpoints to resume from? print("Starting training...") yield "Starting..." def threadedRun(): trainer.train() thread = threading.Thread(target=threadedRun) thread.start() lastStep = 0 startTime = time.perf_counter() while thread.is_alive(): time.sleep(0.5) if WANT_INTERRUPT: yield "Interrupting, please wait... *(Run will stop after the current training step completes.)*" elif CURRENT_STEPS != lastStep: lastStep = CURRENT_STEPS timeElapsed = time.perf_counter() - startTime if timeElapsed <= 0: timerInfo = "" totalTimeEstimate = 999 else: its = CURRENT_STEPS / timeElapsed if its > 1: timerInfo = f"`{its:.2f}` it/s" else: timerInfo = f"`{1.0/its:.2f}` s/it" totalTimeEstimate = (1.0/its) * (MAX_STEPS) yield f"Running... **{CURRENT_STEPS}** / **{MAX_STEPS}** ... {timerInfo}, `{timeElapsed:.0f}`/`{totalTimeEstimate:.0f}` seconds" print("Training complete, saving...") loraModel.save_pretrained(loraName) if WANT_INTERRUPT: print("Training interrupted.") yield f"Interrupted. Incomplete LoRA saved to `{loraName}`" else: print("Training complete!") yield f"Done! LoRA saved to `{loraName}`"