Thank you for downloading oobabooga/text-generation-webui. # WSL setup If you do not have WSL installed, see here: If you want to install Linux to a drive other than C Open powershell and enter these commands: cd D:\Path\To\Linux $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile Linux.appx -UseBasicParsing mv Linux.appx Then open and you should see several .appx files inside. The one with _x64.appx contains the exe installer that you need. Extract the contents of that _x64.appx file and run .exe to install. Linux Distro URLs: ****************************************************************************** *ENSURE THAT THE WSL LINUX DISTRO THAT YOU WISH TO USE IS SET AS THE DEFAULT!* ****************************************************************************** Do this by using these commands: wsl -l wsl -s # Web UI Installation Run the "start" script. By default it will install the web UI in WSL: /home/{username}/text-gen-install To launch the web UI in the future after it is already installed, run the same "start" script. Ensure that and are next to it! # Updating the web UI Run the "update" script. This will only install the updates, so it should be much faster than the initial installation. You can also run " update" in WSL. # Adding flags like --chat, --notebook, etc Edit the "" script using a text editor and add the desired flags to the CMD_FLAGS variable at the top. It should look like this: CMD_FLAGS = '--chat' For instance, to add the --api flag, change it to CMD_FLAGS = '--chat --api' The "start" and "update" scripts will copy the edited "" to WSL to be used by the web UI. # Running an interactive shell To run an interactive shell in the miniconda environment, run the "cmd" script. This is useful for installing additional requirements manually. You can also run " cmd" in WSL. # Changing the default install location To change this, you will need to edit the scripts as follows: line ~22 INSTALL_DIR="/path/to/install/dir" Keep in mind that there is a long-standing bug in WSL that significantly slows drive read/write speeds when using a physical drive as opposed to the virtual one that Linux is installed in.