# text-generation-webui A gradio webui for running large language models locally. Supports gpt-j-6B, gpt-neox-20b, opt, galactica, and many others. ![webui screenshot](https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui/raw/main/webui.png) ## Installation conda env create -f environment.yml ## Downloading models Models should be placed under `models/model-name`. ### Hugging Face Hugging Face is the main place to download models. For instance, [here](https://huggingface.co/EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B/tree/main) you can find the files for the model gpt-j-6B. The files that you need to download and put under `models/gpt-j-6B` are the json, txt, and pytorch*.bin files. The remaining files are not necessary. ### GPT-4chan [GPT-4chan](https://huggingface.co/ykilcher/gpt-4chan) has been shut down from Hugging Face, so you need to download it elsewhere. You have two options: * Torrent: [16-bit](https://archive.org/details/gpt4chan_model_float16) / [32-bit](https://archive.org/details/gpt4chan_model) * Direct download: [16-bit](https://theswissbay.ch/pdf/_notpdf_/gpt4chan_model_float16/) / [32-bit](https://theswissbay.ch/pdf/_notpdf_/gpt4chan_model/) ## Starting the webui conda activate textgen python server.py Then browse to `http://localhost:7860/?__theme=dark`