2021-03-15 12:14:48 -04:00

43 lines
1 KiB

# NVCode
If you are looking for my old configs checkout the two snapshot branches on this repo, there is one for CoC and one for Native LSP
## Install in one command
bash <(curl -s
After running you will have access to the `nv` command, this WILL NOT overwite your nvim config. So you can have both installed at the same time
## Get the latest version of Neovim
cd ~
sudo rm -r neovim
git clone
cd neovim
sudo make CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release install
cd ~
sudo rm -r neovim
- snippet support
- configure git blame
- react commenting
- better autoimport
- add lots of lsp
- add vscode support
- toggle virtual text diagnostics
- move language servers not installed with npm to neovim local share location
- update whichkey bindings
- more handsome/modern galaxyline
- potentially custom colorscheme
- look into autoinstall lsp
- get logo
- configure neogit